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How to reboot the JVM under windows




How do I restart the whole JVM in our Windows Server which have JRE, without restarting the OS?

Is there something like:

java -restart

Or this is not possible. The idea is that I added tool.jar in /lib/ext folder of the JRE and that I need to restart the JVM.

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quarks Avatar asked Jan 17 '13 12:01


People also ask

How do I restart Java on Windows?

jar in /lib/ext folder of the JRE and that I need to restart the JVM. There is nothing like a JVM running in an OS. Instead several independent instances do run. Just make sure to stop all running Java applications (java*.exe) and restart them if necessary.

How do I manually start JVM?

The way to start a jvm is by invoking the main, either by invoking a jar using java -jar MyJar or by simply running main class from an IDE. Yes, Multiple jvm instances can be run on a single machine, they all will have their own memory allocated. There will be that many jvms as many main programs you run.

1 Answers

The Java process runs on demand as and when you want to run it. It's not a daemon. You need to stop the Java process manually (kill it) if it doesn't end gracefully.

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Swapnil Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
