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How to rewrite code to avoid TSLint "object access via string literals"

I'm pretty new to TypeScript and I would like to know if there exists a good way to rewrite code to avoid TSLint error "object access via string literals is disallowed" in the following code

interface ECType {     name: string;     type: string;     elementType?: string; }  export var fields: { [structName: string]: Array<ECType>; } = { };  class ECStruct1 {     foo: string;     bar: number;     baz: boolean;     qux: number;     quux: number;     corge: ECStruct2[];     grault: ECStruct2;      constructor() {         ...     } }   fields['ECStruct1'] = [     { name: 'foo', type: 'string' },     { name: 'bar', type: 'int' },     { name: 'baz', type: 'bool' },     { name: 'qux', type: 'long' },     { name: 'quux', type: 'ulong' },     { name: 'corge', type: 'array', elementType: 'ECStruct2' },     { name: 'grault', type: 'ECStruct2' } ]; 

Update: At the end the content above will be part of a self-generated file with more than 300 ECStructs, so I would like to have the class definition (e.g. ECStruct1) followed by its meta-description (e.g. fields['ECStruct1']).

like image 673
Denis Cappellin Avatar asked Oct 28 '15 09:10

Denis Cappellin

1 Answers

You have a couple options here:

1) Just disable the rule

/* tslint:disable:no-string-literal */ whatever.codeHere() /* tslint:enable:no-string-literal */ 

2) Use a variable instead of a string literal

// instead of  fields['ECStruct1'] = ... // do something like let key = 'ECStruct1'; fields[key] = ... 

3) Write/Generate an explicit interface

See MartylX's answer above. Essentially:

interface ECFieldList {     ECStruct1: ECType[]; }  export var fields:ECFieldList = {     ECStruct1: [         ... 

Any of these are reasonable solutions, although I'm not as much of a fan of #2 because it's mangling up your code for no good reason. If you're generating code anyways, perhaps generating a type for fields as in #3 is a good solution.

like image 110
JKillian Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
