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How to revert last APK on Google Play Store?

I have uploaded an APK to the Google Play store. However, after making it live, I have found an issue in the APK. My current APK version is 1.5 and I want to cancel this APK and reinstate the previous version (1.4) in the store. Is this possible?

Thanks for all your help.

like image 615
A.Goutam Avatar asked Jan 18 '19 12:01


People also ask

How do I download an older version of an app from Google Play?

To download an app's older version, you will have to search for the app in the site's search bar and tap on the “Versions” button to see a listing of all the previous version APKs. Then, you can just download the version of the app you want and install it.

1 Answers

There is no rollback feature.

The only way is to take your good APK (1.4), increase its versionCode (e.g. to 1.6), then re-sign it and re-publish it in a new release.

like image 102
Pierre Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
