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How to return to the root of a navigation graph?

How can I return to the root Fragment using the NavController? I tried

navController.popBackStack(navController.graph.startDestination, false)

but it did not work. This did work:

navController.navigate(navController.graph.startDestination, false)
navController.popBackStack(0, false)

but I'm wondering if this is a proper way to solve this problem.

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artkoenig Avatar asked Jan 22 '19 15:01


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1 Answers

you can use this method, but your arguments are wrong, The first argument is the ID of destination, for back to root you have to use:

findNavController().popBackStack(R.id.Dashboard, false)

Where Dash is the ID of view on your navigation graph

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Lucas Paim Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10

Lucas Paim