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How to return the result of an Azure Function

I'm starting with Azure Functions. I have the following code:

module.exports = function (context, req) 
        context.log('JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.');

        if (context.req.body.videoId =! null) 
            context.log('inicia a obtener comentarios')

             const fetchComments = require('youtube-comments-task')

            .fork(e => context.log('ERROR', e), p => {                   
                        context.log('comments', p.comments)

             context.res = { body: fetchComments.comments }
        else {
            context.res = {
                status: 400,
                body: "Please pass a videoId on the query string or in the   request body"

How can I return the JSON that fetchComments returns?

like image 391
Christian Gonzalez Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 22:03

Christian Gonzalez

1 Answers

Move assigning context.res and call to context.done to promise callback. Set Content-Type to application/json in the headers. Based on your code, something like

if (context.req.body.videoId =! null) {
  context.log('inicia a obtener comentarios')
  const fetchComments = require('youtube-comments-task')

    .fork(e => context.log('ERROR', e), p => {                   
       context.log('comments', p.comments);
       context.res = { 
         headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
         body: p.comments 
else {
  context.res = {
    status: 400,
    body: "Please pass a videoId on the query string or in the request body"
like image 173
Mikhail Shilkov Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 03:03

Mikhail Shilkov