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Vue.js - Recompute computed property in a component

I searched this problem a lot with no direct answer found. I have a computed property that depends also on the window height so I need it to be recomputed every time the window is resized. Tried using $forceUpdate() but I think it doesn't work with components. Here is my component :

Vue.component('trades-component', {

  mixins: [tradingMixin],

  created: function() {
    var that = this;
    // recompute visible trades if window resized
    $( window ).on( "resize", function() {
    $( window ).resize();

  computed: {

    visibleTradesCount: function() {
      var colOffset = $(".left-col").offset();
      var colHeight = $(".left-col").height();
      var tableOffset = $(".left-col #trade-history table").offset();
      var tableHeight = colHeight - (tableOffset.top - colOffset.top) - this.rowHeight;
      return Math.floor(tableHeight / this.rowHeight)

I know possible workarounds but want to know if there is a way to force recomputing a particular property or all computed properties in components.

like image 860
Ahmed Rafik Ibrahim Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 00:03

Ahmed Rafik Ibrahim

1 Answers

This isn't as clean as @BillCriswell's answer, but if your computed has other dependencies that trigger a refresh (e.g a data change), you may want to stick with a computed.

You can force a recalc on resize by using data properties for window width and height, and adding a reference to them in your computed property.

data: function () {
  return { 
    windowWidth: 0,
    windowHeight: 0
created: function() {
  var that = this;
  $( window ).on( "resize", function() {
    that.windowWidth =  window.innerWidth;
    that.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
  $( window ).resize();
computed: {
  visibleTradesCount: function() {
    const x = this.windowWidth;
    const y = this.windowHeight;

Note, you may need to $(window).off("resize" in beforeDestroy().

like image 164
Richard Matsen Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 08:03

Richard Matsen