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How to return mapping list in Solidity? (Ethereum contract)

I want to make a simple smart contract that has a list, can set item, and can get the list.

Code in solidity:

contract lister {
    mapping(int => string) list;
    int id = 0;
    function getList() returns ( /*HERE*/ ) {
        return list;

    function setItemToList(string str) {
        list[id] = str;

I want to make getList() return the list, but the return type is not compatible. How can I do that?

like image 847
6londe Avatar asked Jun 03 '16 05:06


3 Answers

Bulk access to lists/arrays/etc is painful in Solidity. You rarely see it in contracts. In your case, a possible solution is to provide a function to access one item, using its index, and to let the caller loop from 0 to id.

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bortzmeyer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09


With mappings, keys are not stored and the values can not be iterated upon, so they are really only good for single-value lookups. In the example you provide, it may be a better choice to use an array.

On the other hand, if you use an array and need to do a search on it (loop through all items), you need to be careful because if there are too many items in your array, it could end up costing a considerable amount of gas to call the function.

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Alex Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09


You can change the visibility of your variable list, insert public and it will possible to access this by getList.

mapping(int => string) public list;

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HLeite Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
