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Blockchain and HyperLedger Fabric difference

While I am trying to understand the blockchain technology, I came across HyperLedger Fabric. As per the documentation, it is an implementation of blockchain technology.

What does that mean? Is block chain just a concept and HyperLedger Fabric, an implementation of that concept?

UPDATED: Where does the hyperledger fabric store the transactions? I understand that its a p2p architecture and every peer has a copy of the transactions, but usually these transactions is a growing set. Does every peer has a copy of growing transactions? I am not clear on this yet. Does the community recommend any database?

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Manikandan Kannan Avatar asked Dec 02 '16 09:12

Manikandan Kannan

People also ask

Is Hyperledger Fabric a blockchain?

Hyperledger Fabric is an open source, permissioned blockchain framework, started in 2015 by The Linux Foundation.

Is Hyperledger Fabric a blockchain or DLT?

Hyperledger Fabric, an open source project from the Linux Foundation, is the modular blockchain framework and de facto standard for enterprise blockchain platforms.

What is the difference between Hyperledger and Hyperledger Fabric?

The key difference is that hyperledger sawtooth supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks whereas Hyperledger Fabric support only permissioned blockchain networks.

How is Hyperledger different from Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Ethereum: The operation mode in Ethereum is public, which means anyone can access the Blockchain network, and no permission is needed to access the network. Hyperledger: Hyperledger, on the other hand, is a private Blockchain, meaning only the authorized participants can access the network.

1 Answers

The Blockchain is an "idea" for how the data can be saved in distributed network. in Wiki it is defined as:

Block chain — is a distributed database that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called blocks. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block. The data in a block cannot be altered retrospectively.

There are many projects which utilize blockchain in its core:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger
  • etc.

Hyperledger - is not an implementation, it is Specification for how trusted network should work.

Hyperledger specification has several implementations from different vendors:

  • Fabric - from IBM
  • Sawtooth Lake - from Intel
  • Corda - from R3 consortium
  • Iroha - from Soramitsu

P.S. Each company tries to implement it's own vision of Hyperledger and currently these implementations are not compatible with each other.

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Sergey Balashevich Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Sergey Balashevich