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How to return deep nested projections in Spring data rest?

Given this 3 entities:

class Department{
    Set<Employee> employees;
    Set<Employee> getEmployees(){
        return this.employees;

class Employee{
    Nationality nationality;
    Nationality getNationality(){
class Nationality{


I want to create a projection for Department that returns all departments with their employees and nationalities. What I have achieved is to return all departments with their employees using:

@Projection(name = "fullDepartment", types = { Department.class })
public interface DepartmentsProjection {
    Set<Employee> getEmployees();

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "department", path = "departments")
public interface DepartmentRepository extends JpaRepository<Department, Long> {
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Songo Avatar asked Aug 11 '16 21:08


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1 Answers

A way to do this is to create a Projection for your nested(s) object, and then use this projection in a more global one. So following your problem, you can create a projection for Nationality, then another one for Department that has a getter to catch Nationality's projection, and finally another projection to get Department's entity.

@Projection(name = "NationalityProjection", types = { Nationality.class })
public interface NationalityProjection{
    // getters of all attributes you want to project

@Projection(name = "EmployeeProjection", types = { Employee.class })
public interface EmployeeProjection{
    NationalityProjection getNationality();

@Projection(name = "DepartmentProjection", types = { Department.class })
public interface DepartmentProjection{
    Set<EmployeeProjection> getEmployees();

Hope it helps!

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alonso_50 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10
