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ORACLE RAW in string format to Standard GUID




I am trying to look for a solution to convert Oracle RAW GUID in String format to a standard GUID format. I am unable to find a solution for my use case. Here is an example of what I am looking for:

ORACLE RAW (String): 9BB2A2B8DF8747B0982F2F1702E1D18B 

This needs to be converted using Java code into standard or bracketed GUID which is

B8A2B29B-87DF-B047-982F-2F1702E1D18B or {B8A2B29B-87DF-B047-982F-2F1702E1D18B} 

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Mr.Brown Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 16:06


People also ask

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You can use UTL_RAW. CAST_TO_VARCHAR2. The CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 function converts the raw input string into a VARCHAR2 datatype.

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You can use the SYS_GUID() function to generate a GUID in your insert statement: insert into mytable (guid_col, data) values (sys_guid(), 'xxx'); The preferred datatype for storing GUIDs is RAW(16).

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RAW. The RAW datatype is used for binary data or byte strings that are not to be interpreted by Oracle, for example, to store graphics character sequences. The maximum length of a RAW column is 2000 bytes. For more information, see the Oracle8 SQL Reference.

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1 Answers

A simple way is to convert the RAW GUID to VARCHAR when you select it. Then read it from result set as a String. This is the formula:

 ) from dual

This is the reference where I've found the query (I have to adjust it because the original has some errors): https://community.oracle.com/thread/1063096?tstart=0.

Or if you want to do it with Java then to translate the above solution in Java is quite simple:

 * input: "9BB2A2B8DF8747B0982F2F1702E1D18B"
 * output: "B8A2B29B-87DF-B047-982F-2F1702E1D18B";
public String hexToStr(String guid) {       
    return guid.replaceAll("(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})", "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5").replaceAll("(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2}).(.{2})(.{2}).(.{2})(.{2})(.{18})", "$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7$9");

A more standard way using the class java.util.UUID in not possible because Oracle implementation of SYS_GUID() is not compliant with RFC 4122. See Is Oracle's SYS_GUID() UUID RFC 4122 compliant?

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Aris2World Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
