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How to return a default value from a Map?



Using the ES6 Proxy object it is possible to return a default value when a property does not exist in a plain object.


How to do this with a Map? I have tried the following code but the default value is always returned:

var map = new Map ([
    [1,  'foo'],  // default
    [2,  'bar'],
    [3,  'baz'],

var mapProxy = new Proxy(map, {
    get: function(target, id) {
        return target.has(id) ? target.get(id) : target.get(1);

console.log( mapProxy[3] );  // foo
like image 767
1in7billion Avatar asked Apr 29 '16 20:04


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Since the hashmap does not contain any mapping for key 4 . Hence, the default value Not Found is returned. Note: We can use the HashMap containsKey() method to check if a particular key is present in the hashmap.

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1 Answers

That's because your map keys are numbers, but the proxy property name is always a string. You would need to cast id to a number first.

Working Example (requires modern JS engine):

var map = new Map ([
    [1,  'foo'],  // default
    [2,  'bar'],
    [3,  'baz'],

var mapProxy = new Proxy(map, {
    get: function(target, id) {
        // Cast id to number:
        id = +id;
        return target.has(id) ? target.get(id) : target.get(1);

console.log( mapProxy[3] ); // baz
console.log( mapProxy[10] ); // foo
like image 76
Alexander O'Mara Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10

Alexander O'Mara