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How to retrieve unique count of a field using Kibana + Elastic Search

Is it possible to query for a distinct/unique count of a field using Kibana? I am using elastic search as my backend to Kibana.

If so, what is the syntax of the query? Heres a link to the Kibana interface I would like to make my query: http://demo.kibana.org/#/dashboard

I am parsing nginx access logs with logstash and storing the data into elastic search. Then, I use Kibana to run queries and visualize my data in charts. Specifically, I want to know the count of unique IP addresses for a specific time frame using Kibana.

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Afsheen Khosravian Avatar asked Sep 30 '13 19:09

Afsheen Khosravian

People also ask

How do I count unique values in Elasticsearch?

There's no support for distinct counting in ElasticSearch, although non-deterministic counting exists. Use "terms" aggregation and count buckets in result. See Count distinct on elastic search question.

How check count in Kibana?

Create "topN" query on "clientip" and then histogram with count on "clientip" and set "topN" query as source. Then you will see count of different ips per time.

How do I search for a specific string in Kibana?

To search for an exact string, you need to wrap the string in double quotation marks. Without quotation marks, the search in the example would match any documents containing one of the following words: "Cannot" OR "change" OR "the" OR "info" OR "a" OR "user".

1 Answers

For Kibana 4 go to this answer

This is easy to do with a terms panel:

Adding a terms panel to Kibana

If you want to select the count of distinct IP that are in your logs, you should specify in the field clientip, you should put a big enough number in length (otherwise, it will join different IP under the same group) and specify in the style table. After adding the panel, you will have a table with IP, and the count of that IP:

Table with IP and count

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Pigueiras Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
