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low disk watermark [??%] exceeded on

I use Elasticsearch 1.4.4 in my development machine (a single notebook). Everything is set as default because I never changed any settings.

When I start it, I usually get the following message:

[2015-10-27 09:38:31,588][INFO ][node                     ] [Milan] version[1.4.4], pid[33932], build[c88f77f/2015-02-19T13:05:36Z] [2015-10-27 09:38:31,588][INFO ][node                     ] [Milan] initializing ... [2015-10-27 09:38:31,592][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Milan] loaded [], sites [] [2015-10-27 09:38:34,665][INFO ][node                     ] [Milan] initialized [2015-10-27 09:38:34,665][INFO ][node                     ] [Milan] starting ... [2015-10-27 09:38:34,849][INFO ][transport                ] [Milan] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]} [2015-10-27 09:38:35,022][INFO ][discovery                ] [Milan] elasticsearch/DZqnmWIZRpapZY_TPkkMBw [2015-10-27 09:38:38,787][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [Milan] new_master [Milan][DZqnmWIZRpapZY_TPkkMBw][THINKANDACT1301][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master) [2015-10-27 09:38:38,908][INFO ][http                     ] [Milan] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]} [2015-10-27 09:38:38,908][INFO ][node                     ] [Milan] started [2015-10-27 09:38:39,220][INFO ][gateway                  ] [Milan] recovered [4] indices into cluster_state [2015-10-27 09:39:08,801][INFO ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Milan] low disk watermark [15%] exceeded on [DZqnmWIZRpapZY_TPkkMBw][Milan] free: 58.6gb[12.6%], replicas will not be assigned to this node [2015-10-27 09:39:38,798][INFO ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Milan] low disk watermark [15%] exceeded on [DZqnmWIZRpapZY_TPkkMBw][Milan] free: 58.6gb[12.6%], replicas will not be assigned to this node [2015-10-27 09:40:08,801][INFO ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Milan] low disk watermark [15%] exceeded on [DZqnmWIZRpapZY_TPkkMBw][Milan] free: 58.6gb[12.6%], replicas will not be assigned to this node .... 

I see a lot of these "low disk watermark ... exceeded on..." messages. What went wrong in my case? How to fix it? Thanks!


Before this post, I searched SO for related posts. I found one related to "high watermark..." and in that case, the disk space is low. In my case, I checked and there is still 56GB left on my disk.


According to the input from Andrei Stefan, I need to change settings. Should I do it the following way:

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{     "transient" : {         "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled" : false     } }' 

Or is there any settings file I can edit to set it?

like image 618
curious1 Avatar asked Oct 27 '15 13:10


People also ask

What is watermark in Elasticsearch?

There are three disk watermarks in Elasticsearch: low, high, flood-stage. They are cluster-level settings and are important for shard allocations. Its primary goal is to ensure all the nodes have enough disk space and avoid disk full problems.

How do I change the disk watermark in Elasticsearch?

The steps for this procedure are as follows: Fill the Elasticsearch data disk until it exceeds the high disk watermark with this command: allocate -l9G largefile. Verify the high disk watermark is exceeded by reviewing the ES log. Mark the indices as read-only if you haven't already.

What is disk watermark threshold?

As the disk fills up on a node, the first threshold to be crossed will be the “low disk watermark”. Once this threshold is passed, then the cluster will stop allocating new shards on the node in question but will continue to write data on existing shards on the node.

1 Answers

If you like me have a lot of disk you can tune the watermark setting and use byte values instead of percentages:

NB! You can not mix the usage of percentage values and byte values within these settings. Either all are set to percentage values, or all are set to byte values.

Setting: cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low

Controls the low watermark for disk usage. It defaults to 85%, meaning ES will not allocate new shards to nodes once they have more than 85% disk used. It can also be set to an absolute byte value (like 500mb) to prevent ES from allocating shards if less than the configured amount of space is available.

Setting: cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high

Controls the high watermark. It defaults to 90%, meaning ES will attempt to relocate shards to another node if the node disk usage rises above 90%. It can also be set to an absolute byte value (similar to the low watermark) to relocate shards once less than the configured amount of space is available on the node.

Setting:: cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage

Controls the flood stage watermark. It defaults to 95%, meaning that Elasticsearch enforces a read-only index block (index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete) on every index that has one or more shards allocated on the node that has at least one disk exceeding the flood stage. This is a last resort to prevent nodes from running out of disk space. The index block must be released manually once there is enough disk space available to allow indexing operations to continue.


Please note:

Percentage values refer to used disk space, while byte values refer to free disk space. This can be confusing, since it flips the meaning of high and low. For example, it makes sense to set the low watermark to 10gb and the high watermark to 5gb, but not the other way around.

On my 5TB disk I've set:

# /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: true cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage: 5gb cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low: 30gb cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high: 20gb 

Edit: Added cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage as pr other answer.

like image 53
sastorsl Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10
