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how to restrict autocomplete choices in webstorm?



i am trying out webstorm, and the autocomplete dropdown presents choices that are too verbose

for example:

enter image description here

how can I cut this down to a manageable level? as it is, autocomplete is useless for api discovery.

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JasonS Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 01:07


2 Answers

Try it with actual objects, preferably ones with JSDoc annotations. For ECMAScript/Node.js and similar basic stuff, Webstorm provides those annotations out of the box. In cases like that, auto-complete seems to work a lot better.

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pkt Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11


As suggested by LazyOne, there is no real solution for this since JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. Webstorm tries to give you all possible options.

You might however, like to use Typescript, which essentially compiles to JS. The best option right now is to make a new topic on https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues

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Games Brainiac Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Games Brainiac