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WebStorm "weak warnings found" but no highlighted code

New to WebStorm. Trying to determine why WebStorm does not always display highlights in source code, even though weak warnings are reported? As an example, there may be "2 weak warnings found", but only 1 line highlighted in the source editor window.

Is there another way to get a list of warnings, with warning explanations and links to the problem code? Or at the very least, with line number for reference?


like image 628
K. Kwan Avatar asked Oct 05 '15 17:10

K. Kwan

Video Answer

1 Answers

I'm still not sure why this happens, but I have a fix. The short version is that you have to "kick" the IDE and get it to reset something internally. (I'm not sure what changes or where the IDE saves the change because I forgot to put the internal configuration under version control before playing with it, so I can't see what files it changed.)

This fix is tested in PHPStorm versions 10.0.1, 2016.1, and 2016.2 on OS X versions 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.11.2 (El Capitan), and 10.12 (Sierra).

Steps to Fix the Problem

Follow these steps:

1. Click on the inspector character in the lower right corner of the IDE:

enter image description here

2. Click on "Libraries in scope":

enter image description here

3. Check an option that is currently unchecked (I checked ECMAScript 6):

enter image description here

4. Click "OK" and return to the editor

5. Repeat steps 1-4, but uncheck whatever option you checked in step 3.

You should now get the magical green checkmark:

enter image description here

This glitch has driven me crazy for a while now, and it seems to have driven a few other people crazy, too, but the above steps seem to have fixed it for good.

like image 87
elixenide Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
