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How to restart VScode after editing extension's config?

People also ask

How do you refresh VS Code?

To refresh the currently active viewChoose Refresh from the Window menu, or click the Refresh button in the toolbar.

How do I edit a VS Code config File?

On vsCode docs you can read all about it. You can edit your settings by ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette and search settings, or File > Preferences > Settings (Code > Preferences > Settings on Mac).

Execute the workbench.action.reloadWindow command.

There are some ways to do so:

  1. Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and execute the command:

    >Reload Window    
  2. Define a keybinding for the command (for example CTRL+F5) in keybindings.json:

        "key": "ctrl+f5",
        "command": "workbench.action.reloadWindow",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"

  1. Open the Command Palette

    Ctrl + Shift + P

  2. Then type:

    Reload Window

You can do the following

  1. Click on extensions
  2. Type Reload
  3. Then install

It will add a reload button on your right hand at the bottom of the vs code.

You can use this VSCode Extension called Reload

Marketplace > reload

Use Ctrl + R in Windows Or go manually Hit F1 or CTRL+Shift+p to Open Command Palette then select Reload Window