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How to resolve favicon.ico not found error on apache




I am getting following error while running index.php file on apache

File does not exist: /home/../../../../favicon.ico

What does this mean? What should I change to resolve it?

like image 208
Asmita Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 09:10


People also ask

How do I fix favicon not found?

When you add a favicon to your site, it may not show up since your browser has 'saved' your site as one without a favicon. You need to clear the cache in your browser or use a different browser.

What is http * * favicon ICO?

The favicon. ico file is a small graphic icon that is used by some browsers (including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox) to enhance the display of address bar information and "favorites" bookmark lists. When requesting a resource, these browsers also try to locate the site's custom favicon.

How do I stop favicon ICO request?

adding <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href=""> seems to solve the issue. If I got it right, I can open  in browser, save it as favicon. ico aka. empty PNG file and store it in website root.

How do I open favicon ICO?

Right-click on the website and click the "View page info" option from the list. It will open up a dialog and click on the "Media" tab. In that tab you will see all the images including favicon. Select the favicon.

1 Answers

Favicon.ico is an icon file that is displayed next to the URL in the browser bar. (See the StackExchange icon next to the URL).

There is no way to stop browsers requesting it. You can either create a favicon, or create a zero byte file called favicon.ico and place in the web root.

like image 83
Matt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
