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How to resize the ClipPath area of SVG?





I have such code:

.img-container {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  background-color: lightgreen;  
  overflow: hidden;

.clipped-img {
  clip-path: url('#header-clip-svg');
<div class="img-container">

  <!--clipping SVG-->
  <svg height="0" width="0">
      <clipPath id="header-clip-svg">
        <path d="M199.6,18.9c-4.3-8.9-12.5-16.4-22.3-17.8c-11.9-1.7-23.1,5.4-32.2,13.2c-9.1,7.8-17.8,16.8-29.3,20.3c-20.5,6.2-41.7-7.4-63.1-7.5C38.7,27,24.8,33,15.2,43.3c-35.5,38.2-0.1,99.4,40.6,116.2c32.8,13.6,72.1,5.9,100.9-15c27.4-19.9,44.3-54.9,47.4-88.6c0.2-2.7,0.4-5.3,0.5-7.9C204.8,38,203.9,27.8,199.6,18.9z"></path>

  <!-- clipped image-->
  <img class="clipped-img" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/3341051/team.jpg"/>

I want to increase the clipping shape dimensions so it will be of the width of colored green area. Is there a way to do achieve this?

like image 437
Natalia Davydova Avatar asked Mar 02 '20 15:03

Natalia Davydova

People also ask

What is clip-path in SVG?

The <clipPath> SVG element defines a clipping path, to be used by the clip-path property. A clipping path restricts the region to which paint can be applied. Conceptually, parts of the drawing that lie outside of the region bounded by the clipping path are not drawn.

How to change the size of SVG image using CSS?

Method1: The SVG image will be taking 100% of all the width and height available to it. To make the image of the desired size set the CSS height and width property of the image Method 2: Directly modify the .svg file and set the width and height to the desired value.

What is the scale of the SVG clipping path?

Those two values are 1/329.6667 and 1/86, respectively, and they effectively scale every point in the d attribute to fit into the needed 0–1 range. Thus we have an SVG clipping path that scales with the element and fits to its dimensions!

How do I set the default height of an SVG file?

# The height and width attributes. So a rule like svg {width: 100%; height: auto;} will cancel out the dimensions and aspect ratio you set in the code, and give you the default height for inline SVG. Which, as mentioned above, will be either 150px or 100vh, depending on the browser.

How to control the aspect ratio of a <SVG> area?

To use the padding-bottom hack to control the aspect ratio of the total <svg> area, the official height is going to be (essentially) zero. With the default preserveAspectRatio value, the graphic would be scaled down to nothing.

1 Answers

You can apply the SVG as a mask and easily adjust its size and position (like you can with background-image). Simply make sure you set the correct value for the viewbox:

.img-container {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  background-color: lightgreen; 

.clipped-img {
  -webkit-mask:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 207 167"><path d="M199.6,18.9c-4.3-8.9-12.5-16.4-22.3-17.8c-11.9-1.7-23.1,5.4-32.2,13.2c-9.1,7.8-17.8,16.8-29.3,20.3c-20.5,6.2-41.7-7.4-63.1-7.5C38.7,27,24.8,33,15.2,43.3c-35.5,38.2-0.1,99.4,40.6,116.2c32.8,13.6,72.1,5.9,100.9-15c27.4-19.9,44.3-54.9,47.4-88.6c0.2-2.7,0.4-5.3,0.5-7.9C204.8,38,203.9,27.8,199.6,18.9z"></path></svg>' ) 
               center/contain no-repeat;
          mask:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 207 167"><path d="M199.6,18.9c-4.3-8.9-12.5-16.4-22.3-17.8c-11.9-1.7-23.1,5.4-32.2,13.2c-9.1,7.8-17.8,16.8-29.3,20.3c-20.5,6.2-41.7-7.4-63.1-7.5C38.7,27,24.8,33,15.2,43.3c-35.5,38.2-0.1,99.4,40.6,116.2c32.8,13.6,72.1,5.9,100.9-15c27.4-19.9,44.3-54.9,47.4-88.6c0.2-2.7,0.4-5.3,0.5-7.9C204.8,38,203.9,27.8,199.6,18.9z"></path></svg>' ) 
               center/contain no-repeat;
<div class="img-container">
  <img class="clipped-img" src="https://picsum.photos/id/1074/800/800.jpg">

<div class="img-container" style="width:500px;">
  <img class="clipped-img" src="https://picsum.photos/id/1074/800/800.jpg">

<div class="img-container" style="width:150px;">
  <img class="clipped-img" src="https://picsum.photos/id/1074/800/800.jpg">

CSS mask with SVG clip-path

like image 94
Temani Afif Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11

Temani Afif