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How to resize splitter in PhpStorm

I see that I can resize the side sidebar by using Ctrl+Shift+Arrows.

How can I do the same thing for a Vertical/Horizontal Split.

like image 896
Mihai Vinaga Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 16:12

Mihai Vinaga

1 Answers

There is a plugin called "Tab Shifter" that allows to resize a spliter 1. After you add it and restart Intellij you can stretch a split screen right with ctral+alt+] and left with ctral+alt+[.

In theory stretching up and down should also work, but for me it was installed without this shortcut configured. However keboard shortcuts for stretching up and down can be defined under2:

`Settings`->`Keymap`->`Plug-ins`->`Tab Shifter`->`Stretch Splitter Up` 
`Settings`->`Keymap`->`Plug-ins`->`Tab Shifter`->`Stretch Splitter Down`

add plugin add shortcut for stretching down

like image 72
mgershen Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12
