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Can't refactor methods with underscore as a parameter into lambdas? [duplicate]

I have a ton of classes with one method (half of them don't use their parameter and thus name it underscore), and I just switched to Java 8. Now I want to replace them with lambdas.

Here is my code:

interface I {
  void stuffHappened(Integer howManyStuff);

public class A {
  void go() {
    I i = new I() {
      public void stuffHappened(Integer _) {

And after:

interface I {
  void stuffHappened(Integer howManyStuff);

public class A {
  void go() {
    I i = _ -> System.out.println("woah!!");

As you can see, it is apparently no longer valid, claiming the use of "_" as the parameter name is no longer valid. But then why did it allow this refactor in the first place? And why does it work with anonymous classes, but not lambdas? Is this really a new rule? Or is it some sort of discrepancy in IDEA?

I'm using Intellij-IDEA (first time using it), well actually, Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.1 (using retrolambda to permit lambdas on android), which I think uses IDEA.

like image 971
Dog Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 21:12


1 Answers

Prior to Java 8, a single underscore _ was a valid identifier. Starting with Java 8, the underscore is disallowed, in order to allow for the future possibility of having it be something other than an ordinary identifier. See this message from Brian Goetz for the explanation.

Use of an underscore in existing (pre-lambda) code will generate a warning, but use of an underscore as a lambda formal parameter name will generate an error. As Brian put it, "since there is no existing code with lambdas."

In your example, the formal parameter _ in your anonymous inner class is legal code, though it should generate a warning. Refactoring this code into a lambda that uses _ will make it illegal! Since IntelliJ IDEA is refactoring this code, it should be aware of this rule, and it should offer to rename the parameter name to something else.

This could be viewed as a bug, or at least an need for an enhancement, in IDEA's refactoring mechanism.

like image 174
Stuart Marks Avatar answered Feb 02 '23 01:02

Stuart Marks