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How to resize images in xamarin.forms?

I am working on xamarin.forms. I have to select images from gallery and then resize them and then upload them on server. But I don't know how I can resize selected image in a given particular size? Please update me how I can do this?

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anand Avatar asked Nov 17 '15 06:11


People also ask

How do I compress an image size in xamarin?

How to compress the image while uploading the xamarin forms. Try to create an 'ImageResizer' control class to resize the image on each platform. Check the code: public static class ImageResizer.

What is xamarin essentials?

Xamarin. Essentials provides a single cross-platform API that works with any iOS, Android, or UWP application that can be accessed from shared code no matter how the user interface is created. See the platform & feature support guide for more information on supported operating systems.

4 Answers

This can be used with a stream (if you're using the Media Plugin https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/MediaPlugin) or standard byte arrays.

// If you already have the byte[]
byte[] resizedImage = await CrossImageResizer.Current.ResizeImageWithAspectRatioAsync(originalImageBytes, 500, 1000);

// If you have a stream, such as:
// var file = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync(options);
// var originalImageStream = file.GetStream();
byte[] resizedImage = await CrossImageResizer.Current.ResizeImageWithAspectRatioAsync(originalImageStream, 500, 1000);
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Eng Soon Cheah Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11

Eng Soon Cheah

I tried use CrossImageResizer.Current... but I did not find it in the Media Plugin. Instead I found an option called MaxWidthHeight, that worked only if you also add PhotoSize = PhotoSize.MaxWidthHeight option.

For Example :

 var file = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync(new PickMediaOptions() { PhotoSize = PhotoSize.MaxWidthHeight, MaxWidthHeight = 600 });
 var file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new StoreCameraMediaOptions { PhotoSize = PhotoSize.MaxWidthHeight, MaxWidthHeight = 600 });
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Ricko.. Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 02:11


Sadly enough there isn't a good cross-platform image resizer (that I've found at the time of this post). Image processing wasn't really designed to take place in a cross-platform environment for iOS and Android. It's much faster and cleaner to perform this on each platform using platform-specific code. You can do this using dependency injection and the DependencyService (or any other service or IOC).

AdamP gives a great response on how to do this Platform Specific Image Resizing

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MedievalCoder Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11


Here is the code taken from the link above.


public class MediaService : IMediaService

    public byte[] ResizeImage(byte[] imageData, float width, float height)

        UIImage originalImage = ImageFromByteArray(imageData);

        var originalHeight = originalImage.Size.Height;
        var originalWidth = originalImage.Size.Width;

        nfloat newHeight = 0;
        nfloat newWidth = 0;

        if (originalHeight > originalWidth)
            newHeight = height;
            nfloat ratio = originalHeight / height;
            newWidth = originalWidth / ratio;
            newWidth = width;
            nfloat ratio = originalWidth / width;
            newHeight = originalHeight / ratio;

        width = (float)newWidth;
        height = (float)newHeight;

        UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height));
        originalImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height));
        var resizedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

        var bytesImagen = resizedImage.AsJPEG().ToArray();
        return bytesImagen;


public class MediaService : IMediaService

    public byte[] ResizeImage(byte[] imageData, float width, float height)
        // Load the bitmap 
        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();// Create object of bitmapfactory's option method for further option use
        options.InPurgeable = true; // inPurgeable is used to free up memory while required
        Bitmap originalImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imageData, 0, imageData.Length, options);

        float newHeight = 0;
        float newWidth = 0;

        var originalHeight = originalImage.Height;
        var originalWidth = originalImage.Width;

        if (originalHeight > originalWidth)
            newHeight = height;
            float ratio = originalHeight / height;
            newWidth = originalWidth / ratio;
            newWidth = width;
            float ratio = originalWidth / width;
            newHeight = originalHeight / ratio;

        Bitmap resizedImage = Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(originalImage, (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight, true);


        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            resizedImage.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, ms);


            return ms.ToArray();


public class MediaService : IMediaService
    private MediaImplementation mi = new MediaImplementation();

    public byte[] ResizeImage(byte[] imageData, float width, float height)
        byte[] resizedData;

        using (MemoryStream streamIn = new MemoryStream(imageData))
            WriteableBitmap bitmap = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(streamIn, (int)width, (int)height);

            float Height = 0;
            float Width = 0;

            float originalHeight = bitmap.PixelHeight;
            float originalWidth = bitmap.PixelWidth;

            if (originalHeight > originalWidth)
                Height = height;
                float ratio = originalHeight / height;
                Width = originalWidth / ratio;
                Width = width;
                float ratio = originalWidth / width;
                Height = originalHeight / ratio;

            using (MemoryStream streamOut = new MemoryStream())
                bitmap.SaveJpeg(streamOut, (int)Width, (int)Height, 0, 100);
                resizedData = streamOut.ToArray();
        return resizedData;

EDIT: If you are already using FFImageLoading in your project then you can just use that for your platform.


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henda79 Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11
