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How to resize an animated gif image using C#?

Is there a method to create a copy of an animated gif image using C#?

What I want is to generate a copy of a given gif image using the height and width parameters that the user provides. I have tried for a couple of hours to accomplish this but the resulting image does not preserve the original animations.

like image 826
Jaime Febres Avatar asked Feb 11 '09 22:02

Jaime Febres

1 Answers

Took me a while to find this, but finally found a solution:

Install Magick.NET via NuGet, license can be found here:

Example code:

var newWidth = 100;
using (var collection = new MagickImageCollection(new FileInfo(@"C:\test.gif")))
    foreach (var image in collection)
        image.Resize(newWidth, 0);

From my tests, this works with alpha channels and varying frame rates. Seems to be perfect!

like image 67
Tom Gullen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

Tom Gullen