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How to replicate listview as seen in the "Start" menu



I would like to implement a list view as seen below. enter image description here

Apparently this is a WearableListView with a CircledImageView. However I cannot seem to find which function allows me to determine the middle view. I also want to be able to do the "size up" animation on the new one and a "size down" on the old selected one... Right now I tried a basic onscroll but no cigar.

     mListView.addOnScrollListener(new WearableListView.OnScrollListener() {
                public void onScroll(int i) {
                    Log.d("Recycler","Scroll: "+i);

                public void onAbsoluteScrollChange(int i) {
                    Log.d("Recycler","ABsScrollChange: "+i);

                public void onScrollStateChanged(int i) {
                    Log.d("Recycler","ScrollState: "+i);

                public void onCentralPositionChanged(int i) {
                    Log.d("Recycler","Center: "+i);


EDIT: Okay so I now know how to find the center view. But I was wondering if anyone figured out how to retrive the current view so that I can modify the current selected view.

EDIT 2 Okay now I can modify the selected view. Still don't know hot to properly remove properties after an object is deselected however..

like image 316
Michael Avatar asked Jul 07 '14 18:07


2 Answers

The trick is to implement getProximityMinValue() and getProximityMaxValue() in your WearableListView.Item subclass:

private final class MyItemView extends FrameLayout implements WearableListView.Item {

  final CircledImageView image;
  final TextView text;

  public MyItemView(Context context) {
    View.inflate(context, R.layout.wearablelistview_item, this);
    image = (CircledImageView) findViewById(R.id.image);
    text = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text);

  public float getProximityMinValue() {
    return mDefaultCircleRadius;

  public float getProximityMaxValue() {
    return mSelectedCircleRadius;

  public float getCurrentProximityValue() {
    return image.getCircleRadius();

  public void setScalingAnimatorValue(float value) {

  public void onScaleUpStart() {

  public void onScaleDownStart() {

Full working example source code here.

like image 187
Peter Friese Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Peter Friese

It is way easier than the answers given here. Just use onCenterPosition and onNonCenterPosition like this:

public class WearableListItemLayout extends LinearLayout implements WearableListView.OnCenterProximityListener {

    private ImageView mCircle;
    private TextView mName;

    private final float mFadedTextAlpha;
    private final int mFadedCircleColor;
    private final int mChosenCircleColor;

    public WearableListItemLayout(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public WearableListItemLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public WearableListItemLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs,
                                  int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        mFadedTextAlpha = 200f / 100f;
        mFadedCircleColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.grey);
        mChosenCircleColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.blue);

    // Get references to the icon and text in the item layout definition
    protected void onFinishInflate() {
        // These are defined in the layout file for list items
        // (see next section)
        mCircle = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.circle);
        mName = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.name);

    public void onCenterPosition(boolean animate) {
        ((GradientDrawable) mCircle.getDrawable()).setColor(mChosenCircleColor);

    public void onNonCenterPosition(boolean animate) {
        ((GradientDrawable) mCircle.getDrawable()).setColor(mFadedCircleColor);

Note: This is for a listview which gets a colored circle when in the center, but it can be easily adjusted for what you want.

like image 27
Kevin van Mierlo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Kevin van Mierlo