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How to reopen differential review in phabricator?



I created review for development branch in phabricator, updated it several times and than pushed branch for testing. Review was not finished but phabricator automatically closed it.

I can create another differential review, but all comments and updates will be in old...

So is there a way to reopen closed review?

like image 892
Bunyk Avatar asked Nov 29 '12 19:11


People also ask

How do you make a diff in Phabricator?

1) Login to phabricator, go to differential, create diff. 3) In the next page, give a title, summary of what has changed and what all you tested. 5) Reviewer reviews and sends feedback. 6) You make changes and upload new diff.

What is differential revision?

An author prepares a change to a codebase, then sends it for review. They specify who they want to review it (additional users may be notified as well, see below). The change itself is called a "Differential Revision".

What does ARC patch do?

It is helpful to understand that arc patch , by default, will not attempt to patch the revision on top of your current working set. Instead, it applies the changes on top of the same parent commit the author used and creates a new commit and a new branch (git) or bookmark (hg).

1 Answers

I knew there was a better way!

EDIT: While the old answer works... it is not how to do this. Instead do this:

  1. Go to the config section, and chose the differential group.
  2. Find the option differential.allow-reopen
  3. Set value to "Enable reopen" and save config entry.
  4. Navigate to closed differential review.
  5. Go to the bottom, and find the Leap Into Action section.
  6. Chose the action reopen and add a comment
  7. Press Clowncopterize and presto! Reopened!

No need to hack the database.

Also, take a look at the repository settings, to set up auto closing the way you want it.

  1. Go to the Repositories administration section
  2. Press edit for the repository you wish to manage
  3. Chose the tracking tab
  4. In the Application Configuration section you see two settings: Autoclose and Autoclose Branches.

I have set Autoclose to Enabled, and Autoclose Branches to master. That way only pushes to origin/master will autoclose a differential review.

---------OLD Answer--------

What sberry is suggesting is to SSH into your server, and open an MySql prompt:

mysql> USE phabricator_differential;
mysql> select status from differential_revision where id=5; (If your revision is D5 for example)

Notice that your status is not 0. It is most likely 3 for closed.

mysql> update differential_revision set status=0 where id=5;

Now your revision is open again.

I feel that this is quite cumbersome, but never the less it achieves the goal. I hope there is somebody who can suggest a better way to do it.

like image 54
3 revs Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

3 revs