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how to render asp.net user control on SDL Tridion page?



I have a schema "control" having a field named "tag" (text type) . Now I have created a component with this schema and fill the "tag" field as :

<RegForm:MyRegisteration runat="server" />

and updated web config file.

<add src="~/WebUserControl.ascx" tagName="MyRegisteration" tagPrefix="RegForm" />

I have added the Component to the Page.

Now I want to know is this the way to render the controls or any other better approach to do so.

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AmateurCoder Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 17:01


1 Answers

As I mentioned in some other posts, Tridion doesn't really care about what you're outputting. If your template writes the code that your ASP.NET or Java application needs to run, then it will run.

I wonder if you need to have this has a component, do you expect editors to create the control as part of their content? Do you need to translate it?

Normally this type of "content" goes in the template, not in the components.

The important thing to keep in mind is always: what will be written to the application server?

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Nuno Linhares Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 02:01

Nuno Linhares