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How to render an array as a list of radio buttons?

I would like to loop through an array that I define in my Javascript and render a list of radio buttons. My code which isn't working currently, and it is as follows (also on jsfiddle):

<div data-bind="foreach: options" >
        <input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" data-bind="checked: selected" />
        <span data-bind="text: label"></span>
var optionsList = [
    {"value": "a","label": "apple"},
    {"value": "b","label": "banana"},
    {"value": "c","label": "carrot"}
function viewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.options = optionsList;
    self.selected = ko.observable("a");
    self.selected.subscribe(function(newValue) {
        alert("new value is " + newValue);
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());

If my array is part of the html then it works fine, see this (or jsfiddle):

    <input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" value="a" data-bind="checked: selected"     />Apple
    <input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" value="b" data-bind="checked: selected" />Banana
     <input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" value="c" data-bind="checked: selected" />Carrot
<div data-bind="text: selected">
function viewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.selected = ko.observable("a");
    self.selected.subscribe(function(newValue) {
        alert("new value is " + newValue);
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());

I got this to work by generating the all of the html within my javascript and have this working using checkboxes, but am stumped generating a group of radiobuttons using the foreach iterator.

Has anyone gotten an example like my first one to work?

like image 202
user759608 Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 03:01


People also ask

How do I group radio buttons?

Defining Radio Group in HTML We can define a group for radio buttons by giving each radio button the same name. As and when the user selects a particular option from this group, other options are deselected. Following is an example of radio buttons with different names within a form.

Can we select multiple radio buttons?

Only one radio button in a group can be selected at the same time. Note: The radio group must have share the same name (the value of the name attribute) to be treated as a group.

How do you add radio buttons to groups?

You group radio buttons by drawing them inside a container such as a Panel control, a GroupBox control, or a form. All radio buttons that are added directly to a form become one group. To add separate groups, you must place them inside panels or group boxes.

Which attribute is used to make a group of radio buttons?

We can put different radio buttons in a group using the name attribute. All the buttons in a group must have the same name attribute.

2 Answers

Here's one way to do this. Note that the attr binding should come before the checked binding.

var optionsList = [
    {"value": "a", "label": "apple"},
    {"value": "b", "label": "banana"},
    {"value": "c", "label": "carrot"}

function viewModel() {
    this.options = optionsList;
    this.selected = ko.observable("a");

ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.2.0/knockout-min.js"></script>

<div data-bind="foreach: options" >
    <input type="radio"
           data-bind="attr: {value: value}, checked: $root.selected" />
    <span data-bind="text: label"></span>

<h3>Selected value:</h3>
<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($root.selected)"></pre>
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sdfadfaasd Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Your code is giving this error:

Message: ReferenceError: selected is not defined;

Bindings value: checked: selected

You defined selected on the view model level, but you are referencing it inside foreach so Knockout.js is looking for it on the options level.


<div><input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" data-bind="checked: selected" />


<div><input type="radio" name="optionsGroup" data-bind="checked: $root.selected" />

$root.selected will look for the selected property on the view model level.

HERE is the modified code.

For more information about pseudo-variables (like $root) see 3. Access to parent binding contexts.

like image 38
kubetz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
