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How to rename an iOS 8 Today Widget?

I've just started experimenting with adding an iOS 8 Today Widget to my app, it's going ok so far but I followed the original template and got my widget created with TodayWidget as its name. In the context of my app's files in Xcode that target/product name is fine. But sadly this is the name that also displays within notification centre, above my widget.

I've tried tracing through various names in my project that match what's being displayed but so far I've yet to find one that lets me update the name displayed.

Anyone got any ideas?

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jimbobuk Avatar asked Sep 30 '14 21:09


People also ask

How do I rename widgets in IOS?

Right-click in the widget title bar and select Rename widget in the context menu. Type and enter the custom name in the text field that appears. The custom name appears in the title bar.

How do I delete a widget name on my iPhone?

Unfortunately, there are no workarounds yet for making widget labels on an iPhone's home screen disappear. However, widget names do not appear in the Today View. So you could just put all of your widgets in the Today View instead of your home screen, then swipe right on your home screen to open the Today View.

2 Answers

Select your widget under Project -> Targets. Under Info -> iOS Target Properties, change the Bundle display name attribute to whatever you want your new name to be.



Restart the device to see the updated widget name.

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JAL Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10


The answer from JAL is correct, but as my comment mentions under his answer. Don't expect a widget's name to update once it's been added to iOS. You must remove and reinstall your app to get any widget name updates to apply. I presume it's the same thing for app names too. Cheers

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jimbobuk Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
