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How to remove the device's frame on Android Studio's emulators

People also ask

How do I hide the sidebar on my emulator?

You just have to hold Alt key and drag the sidebar with left mouse click.

How do I bypass Android Emulator detection?

In general there are three ways to bypass an emulator check: Modify the app and remove the emulator check. Modify the emulator so that it pretends to be a real device. Modify the system calls the app does for detecting it is running on an emulator.

Step 1 : Click on AVD Manager

Click on AVD Manager

Step 2 : In the pop select the EDIT AVD

Edit AVD Step 3 : Uncheck Device Frame

Uncheck Device Frame

Step 1: Open AVD Manager

enter image description here

Step 2: Click Edit in the specific Device emulator

enter image description here

Step 3: Disable device frame option

enter image description here

Step 4: Click Ok and restart the emulator