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bind/unbind service example (android)

can you give me a simple example of an application with background service which uses bind/unbind methods to start and stop it? I was googling for it for a half-hour, but those examples use startService/stopService methods or are very difficult for me. thank you.

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user1049280 Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 12:12


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What is bound and unbound service in Android?

Bounded services are bounded to an activity which binds it and will work only till bounded activity is alive. while a unbounded service will work till the completion even after activity is destroyed.

What is bound service in Android example?

A bound service is the server in a client-server interface. It allows components (such as activities) to bind to the service, send requests, receive responses, and perform interprocess communication (IPC).

What is Ibinder Android?

Base interface for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight remote procedure call mechanism designed for high performance when performing in-process and cross-process calls. This interface describes the abstract protocol for interacting with a remotable object.

How do you stop a service in Android?

Stopping a service. You stop a service via the stopService() method. No matter how frequently you called the startService(intent) method, one call to the stopService() method stops the service. A service can terminate itself by calling the stopSelf() method.

1 Answers

You can try using this code:

protected ServiceConnection mServerConn = new ServiceConnection() {     @Override     public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {         Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceConnected");     }      @Override     public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {         Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceDisconnected");     } }  public void start() {     // mContext is defined upper in code, I think it is not necessary to explain what is it      mContext.bindService(intent, mServerConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);     mContext.startService(intent); }  public void stop() {     mContext.stopService(new Intent(mContext, ServiceRemote.class));     mContext.unbindService(mServerConn); } 
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Dawid Sajdak Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Dawid Sajdak