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Using the LIMIT statement in a SQLite query




People also ask

How do I limit query results in SQL?

The SQL LIMIT clause constrains the number of rows returned by a SELECT statement. For Microsoft databases like SQL Server or MSAccess, you can use the SELECT TOP statement to limit your results, which is Microsoft's proprietary equivalent to the SELECT LIMIT statement.

What is offset in SQLite?

In the LIMIT clause, you can select a specific number of rows starting from a specific position using the OFFSET clause. For example, “LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4” will ignore the first 4 rows, and returned 4 rows starting from the fifth rows, so you will get rows 5,6,7, and 8.

The equals (=) operator is not used with the LIMIT clause. Remove it.

Here's an example LIMIT query:

SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY somethingelse LIMIT 5, 10


SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY somethingelse LIMIT 10

In your case, the correct statement would be:

return wDb.query(TABELANOME, new String[] {IDTIT, TAREFATIT, SUMARIOTIT}, CONCLUIDOTIT + "=1", null, null, null, null, String.valueOf(limite));

Take a look here at the SQLite select syntax: http://www.sqlite.org/syntaxdiagrams.html#select-stmt

This image is rather useful: http://www.sqlite.org/images/syntax/select-stmt.gif

For anyone stumbling across this answer looking for a way to use a LIMIT clause with an OFFSET, I found out from this bug that Android uses the following regex to parse the limit clause of a query:

From <framework/base/core/java/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteQueryBuilder.java>

LIMIT clause is checked with following sLimitPattern.

private static final Pattern sLimitPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\d+\\s*(,\\s*\\d+\\s*)?");

Note that the regex does accept the format offsetNumber,limitNumber even though it doesn't accept the OFFSET statement directly.