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How to remove projects/ solutions from Recent Projects window in Visual Studio 2005

In the top left corned of the Visual Studio Start Page there is a Recent Projects section that lists as standard 10 last opened Project. I am aware that this number can be changed using Tools->Options->Environment->General and then modifying number in Recent Files section

But my question is how could I remove some projects from that recent list?

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padn Avatar asked Mar 13 '09 12:03


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To delete a solutionOn the File menu, click Close Solution. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, locate and select the files associated with the solution you want to delete. On the File menu, click Delete.

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An easier solution and safer then using the registry to remove individual projects is to rename the . sln file. In VS 2008, click on the project. You will be prompted that it can no longer be found and do you want to remove it from the list.

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In Solution Explorer, remove the project you want to delete from the solution. In Windows Explorer, locate and select the files associated with the project or item you want to delete. On the File menu, click Delete.

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2 Answers

This blog post answers your question quite nicely. I won't duplicate the author's work here.

Steps to Remove Recent Projects

  1. Close Visual Studio if it is running.
  2. Start the Registry Editor (Start...Run... type regedit).
  3. Navigate to this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\ProjectMRUList
  4. Then delete the key that has the project you do not want to keep in the list.
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George Stocker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

George Stocker

Right click on the Solution icon in Solution Explorer window, change the name of the Solution to a different one. Then double click the project in Recent Projects window. Visual Studio will ask you if you need to delete the project. Click OK to get rid of it.

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zpjiang_us Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
