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How to remove ID3 audio tag image (or metadata) from mp3 with ffmpeg





FFMPEG is really a great tool. I know it can edit ID3 tags and even remove all tags in a row :

ffmpeg -i tagged.mp3 -map_metadata -1 untagged.mp3

But even after that, there's still the cover image.

I don't know how to remove it using ffmpeg. I know there's other soft out there that can do the job - like eyed3 - but what's the point to install it if ffmpeg can do it too, in one line, while encoding the audio ?

like image 567
Buzut Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 12:11


People also ask

How do I remove ID3 tags from MP3 files?

Simply select the track, or tracks, that you wish to remove ID3 tags for, then right click them in the Music Tag file list. On the menu that appears, click the "Remove Tags" option.

What is MP3 ID3 tag?

An ID3 tag is a type of metadata container used to store information into a media file (traditionally an MP3 audio file). The ID3 tags could include a title, an album title, the artist (author), genre, cover art, the year recorded and other details that are useful for the listener of your show.

Where are ID3 tags stored?

ID3 tags are metadata stored within MP3 files that contains information such as; the title of the podcast or episode, the artist, and an image artwork for the episode. There are two versions of the ID3 tags. ID3v1 contains only basic, text-only, information and it's placed at the end of the audio file.

Do I need ID3 tags?

ID3 tags are a critical component of audio files, particularly MP3s. In simple terms, ID3 tags are the metadata for an audio file to make sure they are displayed correctly in computer software such as a DAW, a DJ streaming software, or a music streaming app like Apple Music.

2 Answers

Strip metadata tags and remove album cover image

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -map 0:a -c:a copy -map_metadata -1 output.mp3
  • -map 0:a Includes only audio (omits all images). See FFmpeg Wiki: Map for more details.
  • -c:a copy Enables stream copy mode so re-encoding is avoided.
  • -map_metadata -1 Omits all metadata.
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llogan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10


I've tried to use codes provided by LordNeckbeard, none of them worked for my case. But this one worked:

ffmpeg -i tagged.mp3 -acodec copy -map 0 -map_metadata 0:s:0 notags.mp3

It shows now only one tag, 'TSSE' (means Encoder). Also, very recommend this article, if you want to manipulate ID3 tags using ffmpeg:

How To: Create/Write ID3 tags using ffmpeg

like image 23
dikirill Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
