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How to remove Google font Roboto from head in Nuxt/Vuetify?

By default Vuetify includes Google font "Roboto" in the head of the static generated page from Nuxt. How I can remove this font from the head? Is there an option for this? I would like to save this unnecessary request...

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Mindaugas Sapalas Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 10:12

Mindaugas Sapalas

1 Answers

if you are using Nuxt + vuetify , do these:

  1. install "@nuxtjs/vuetify" package.
  2. In the nuxt.config file add these config:

buildModules: [

      vuetify: {
        customVariables: ['~/assets/variables.scss'], // vuetify var styles.
        optionsPath: './vuetify.options.js', // vuetify option like theme.
        defaultAssets: false,
        treeShake: true

When you add defaultAssets: false, it delete the builtin font & its request. then you can add your font locally.

more detail link: defaultAssets

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Art Mary Avatar answered May 28 '23 15:05

Art Mary