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How to remove extra indentation of Python triple quoted multi-line strings?

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How do you remove Triple quotes from a string in Python?

In Python triple-quoted strings, you can put a backslash (" \ ") at the end of a line to ignore the line break. In other words, you can use it to put a line break at that spot in your code without making a line break in your string. if printed or written to some file or other output.

What will happen if we represent string with triple quotes in Python?

Python's triple quotes comes to the rescue by allowing strings to span multiple lines, including verbatim NEWLINEs, TABs, and any other special characters.

Can we use triple quotes in string in Python?

Spanning strings over multiple lines can be done using python's triple quotes. It can also be used for long comments in code. Special characters like TABs, verbatim or NEWLINEs can also be used within the triple quotes.

What do triple quotation marks do in Python?

Python Programming provides us a very simple way to deal with multi-line strings. To print a multi-line string in Python we use triple quotes. By triple quotes, I mean set of quotation marks enclosed within each other. These quotation marks could either be double quotes or single quotes.

textwrap.dedent from the standard library is there to automatically undo the wacky indentation.

From what I see, a better answer here might be inspect.cleandoc, which does much of what textwrap.dedent does but also fixes the problems that textwrap.dedent has with the leading line.

The below example shows the differences:

>>> import textwrap
>>> import inspect
>>> x = """foo bar
>>> inspect.cleandoc(x)
'foo bar\nbaz\nfoobar\nfoobaz'
>>> textwrap.dedent(x)
'foo bar\n    baz\n    foobar\n    foobaz\n'
>>> y = """
...     foo
...     bar
... """
>>> inspect.cleandoc(y)
>>> textwrap.dedent(y)
>>> z = """\tfoo
>>> inspect.cleandoc(z)
'foo\nbar     baz'
>>> textwrap.dedent(z)

Note that inspect.cleandoc also expands internal tabs to spaces. This may be inappropriate for one's use case, but works fine for me.

What follows the first line of a multiline string is part of the string, and not treated as indentation by the parser. You may freely write:

def main():

and it will do the right thing.

On the other hand, that's not readable, and Python knows it. So if a docstring contains whitespace in it's second line, that amount of whitespace is stripped off when you use help() to view the docstring. Thus, help(main) and the below help(main2) produce the same help info.

def main2():

The only way i see - is to strip first n tabs for each line starting with second, where n is known identation of main method.

If that identation is not known beforehand - you can add trailing newline before inserting it and strip number of tabs from the last line...

The third solution is to parse data and find beginning of multiline quote and do not add your identation to every line after until it will be closed.

Think there is a better solution..

Showing the difference between textwrap.dedent and inspect.cleandoc with a little more clarity:

Behavior with the leading part not indented

import textwrap
import inspect

no indentation
print('string1 plain=' + repr(string1))
print('string1 inspect.cleandoc=' + repr(inspect.cleandoc(string1)))
print('string1 texwrap.dedent=' + repr(textwrap.dedent(string1)))
print('string2 plain=' + repr(string2))
print('string2 inspect.cleandoc=' + repr(inspect.cleandoc(string2)))
print('string2 texwrap.dedent=' + repr(textwrap.dedent(string2)))


string1 plain='String\nwith\nno indentation\n       '
string1 inspect.cleandoc='String\nwith\nno indentation\n       '
string1 texwrap.dedent='String\nwith\nno indentation\n'
string2 plain='String\n        with\n        indentation\n       '
string2 inspect.cleandoc='String\nwith\nindentation'
string2 texwrap.dedent='String\n        with\n        indentation\n'

Behavior with the leading part indented

no indentation

print('string1 plain=' + repr(string1))
print('string1 inspect.cleandoc=' + repr(inspect.cleandoc(string1)))
print('string1 texwrap.dedent=' + repr(textwrap.dedent(string1)))
print('string2 plain=' + repr(string2))
print('string2 inspect.cleandoc=' + repr(inspect.cleandoc(string2)))
print('string2 texwrap.dedent=' + repr(textwrap.dedent(string2)))


string1 plain='\nString\nwith\nno indentation\n       '
string1 inspect.cleandoc='String\nwith\nno indentation\n       '
string1 texwrap.dedent='\nString\nwith\nno indentation\n'
string2 plain='\n        String\n        with\n        indentation\n       '
string2 inspect.cleandoc='String\nwith\nindentation'
string2 texwrap.dedent='\nString\nwith\nindentation\n'