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How to remove all elements of a certain class from the DOM?



var paras = document.getElementsByClassName('hi');    for (var i = 0; i < paras.length; i++) {    paras[i].style.color = '#ff0011';    // $('.hi').remove();  }
<p class="hi">dood</p>  <p class="hi">dood</p>  <p class="hi">dood</p>  <p class="hi">dood</p>  <p class="hi">dood</p>  <p>not class 'hi'</p>

In jQuery, this would be very easy: $('.hi').remove();. I want to learn JS, and then jQuery.

I am stuck and Google has not provided. I do not want to become a copy/paste jQuery programmer. I am just starting to learn JS. Thanks.

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jonathanbell Avatar asked May 31 '12 23:05


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To remove an element from a DOM tree, you follow these steps: First, select the target element that you want to remove using DOM methods such as querySelector() . Then, select the parent element of the target element and use the removeChild() method.

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To remove all classes from an element, set the element's className property to an empty string, e.g. box. className = '' . Setting the element's className property to an empty string empties the element's class list.

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The removeAttribute() method removes an attribute from an element.

How can I get all of the elements with the same class name in Javascript?

Method getElementsByClassName() returns a set of DOM elements that have a certain class name. Here is a canonical example of how to use the returned list of nodes: var elements = document. getElementsByClassName("class-1"); for (var i = 0, len = elements.

1 Answers

To remove an element you do this:


MDN is a great reference. Here are a few relevant pages:


However you'll run into issues if you loop like that since getElementsByClassName returns a live list, when you remove a node the element is removed from the list as well so you shouldn't increment or you will end up skipping every other element. Instead just continually remove the first element in the list, until there is no first element:

var paras = document.getElementsByClassName('hi');  while(paras[0]) {     paras[0].parentNode.removeChild(paras[0]); }​ 

IMO jQuery is great at showing you what is possible to do in Javascript. I actually recommend that after about a week or two of plain JS you learn jQuery, get good at it, and remember what it's abstracting away. One day when you have an excellent grasp of Javascript scoping, objects, and such which you can obtain while using jQuery, go back and try learning how to interact better with the DOM without a library. That way you'll have an easier time learning plain JS and you'll appreciate the abstraction that libraries can provide you even more, while learning that when you only need one or two things a library provides you may be able to write them yourself without including the entire library.

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Paul Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10
