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lodash debounce not working in anonymous function

Hello I cannot seem to figure out why the debounce function works as expected when passed directly to a keyup event; but it does not work if I wrap it inside an anonymous function.

I have fiddle of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/6hg95/1/

EDIT: Added all the things I tried.


<input id='anonFunction'/> <input id='noReturnAnonFunction'/> <input id='exeDebouncedFunc'/> <input id='function'/> <div id='output'></div> 


$(document).ready(function(){     $('#anonFunction').on('keyup', function () {         return _.debounce(debounceIt, 500, false); //Why does this differ from #function     });     $('#noReturnAnonFunction').on('keyup', function () {         _.debounce(debounceIt, 500, false); //Not being executed     });     $('#exeDebouncedFunc').on('keyup', function () {         _.debounce(debounceIt, 500, false)(); //Executing the debounced function results in wrong behaviour     });     $('#function').on('keyup', _.debounce(debounceIt, 500, false)); //This is working. });  function debounceIt(){     $('#output').append('debounced'); } 

anonFunction and noReturnAnonFunction does not fire the debounce function; but the last function does fire. I do not understand why this is. Can anybody please help me understand this?

EDIT Ok, so the reason that the debounce does not happen in #exeDebouncedFunc (the one you refer) is because the function is executed in the scope of the anonymous function and another keyup event will create a new function in another anonymous scope; thus firing the debounced function as many times as you type something (instead of firing once which would be the expected behaviour; see beviour of #function)?

Can you please explain the difference between #anonFunction and the #function. Is this again a matter of scoping why one of them works and the other does not?

EDIT Ok, so now I understand why this is happening. And here is why I needed to wrap it inside an anonymous function:

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/6hg95/5/


<input id='anonFunction'/> <div id='output'></div> 


(function(){     var debounce = _.debounce(fireServerEvent, 500, false);      $('#anonFunction').on('keyup', function () {         //clear textfield         $('#output').append('clearNotifications<br/>');         debounce();     });      function fireServerEvent(){         $('#output').append('serverEvent<br/>');     } })(); 
like image 529
Kristian Barrett Avatar asked Jun 19 '14 12:06

Kristian Barrett

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The debounce() function forces a function to wait a certain amount of time before running again. The function is built to limit the number of times a function is called.

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December 22, 2021. Lodash is a package that contains lots of great utility functions. For example, Lodash's debounce function delays invoking a function passed into it. It can help performance in some situations. In this post, we will use debounce to search for a Star Wars character when the user stops typing.

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Method 2: Using lodash Another way to implement debouncing is using lodash. Lodash provides a debounce method that we can use to limit the rate of execution of the handleChange function. Just wrap the callback function with the debounce method and provide the amount of delay we want between two events.

1 Answers

As Palpatim explained, the reason lies in the fact that _.debounce(...) returns a function, which when invoked does its magic.

Therefore in your #anonFunction example, you have a key listener, which when invoked does nothing but return a function to the invoker, which does nothing with the return values from the event listener.

This is a snippet of the _.debounce(...) definition:

_.debounce function (func, wait, immediate) {     var timeout;     return function() {       var context = this, args = arguments;       var later = function() {         timeout = null;         if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);       };       if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args);       clearTimeout(timeout);       timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);     };   }  

Your key event listener must invoke the returned function from _.debounce(...), or you can do as in your non-anonymous example and use the returned function from the _.debounce(...) call as your event listener.

like image 171
Michael Dahl Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Michael Dahl