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How to remove a component dynamically in angular

I went through angular dynamically loading components. But i could not find how to remove the component dynamically.

My requirement is that the chat application loads dynamic component(image/graph/list/table) as per the conversation. But how can i destroy the component if the conversation moves forward.

I am trying to destroy dynamic component with external event.

Please help how to proceed.

EDIT: https://stackblitz.com/angular/emjkxxxdxmk?file=src%2Fapp%2Fad-banner.component.ts

I developed my code according to this example. Instead of time interval, I need to use a API call from a service that is subscribed another component(chat component).

Below API response can load the component.I am looking for how to destroy the already loaded component i use the API call again.

public sendMessage(data): void {
    this.API.getResponse(data).subscribe(res => {
      this.previousContext = res.context;
      console.log('res', res);
      if (res.result.type == 'table') {
        this.DataService.setTrigger(new AdItem(Table2Component, res));
        new Message(res.text, 'assets/images/bot.png', new Date(), 'chatbot')
    this.message = new Message('', 'assets/images/user.png', this.message.timestamp, 'user');
like image 391
Sridhar Natuva Avatar asked Sep 16 '18 12:09

Sridhar Natuva

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1 Answers

Use destroy() method

Destroys the component instance and all of the data structures associated with it.

loadComponent() {
    this.currentAdIndex = (this.currentAdIndex + 1) % this.ads.length;
    let adItem = this.ads[this.currentAdIndex];

    let componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(adItem.component);

    let viewContainerRef = this.adHost.viewContainerRef;

    let componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory);
    (<AdComponent>componentRef.instance).data = adItem.data;




like image 183
Chellappan வ Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10

Chellappan வ