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How to remap keys when in Emacs?





I am looking for a way to have my control key and caps-lock key switched when I am in the emacs window, but when I go to any other program such as Firefox I want to be able to use the normal control button for new windows, tabs and such.

Additional Information: I am using Ubuntu, but answers for all systems are good since someone else may want to know how to do it on their system.

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Anton Avatar asked Feb 03 '09 20:02


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emacs file. To interactively bind keys for all modes, type M-x global-set-key RET key cmd RET . To bind a key just in the current major mode, type M-x local-set-key RET key cmd RET . See Key Bindings in The GNU Emacs Manual .

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Key Bind CommandsDefines a key against a keyboard map. Use this if you want to change a keymap that isn't the current buffer map. (local-set-key KEY COMMAND) Binds a key to the local keymap used by the active buffer, unlike define-key which takes an explicit keymap to bind a key against.

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3 Answers

Emacs never actually sees the CapsLock keycode (under X anyway), so you can't remap the key in Lisp. Take a look at this page for details:


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jrockway Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09


On windows using Auto Hot Key you can achieve this with this piece of code put in default script:

#IfWinActive, emacs@      

Auto Hot Key is a very handy utility and it is also free software like in GPL.

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boskom Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09


For globally remapping keys there is xmodmap. xkeycaps is an interactive tool. You can put control on both keys.

Since you want to remap the keys only for Emacs (which I find somewhat ill-advised) you need to look inside Emacs for a solution. It should be possible, because you can rebind all keys, but it may be too tedious to swap all keys around if the modifiers cannot be swapped.

Personally I map CapsLock to Compose, to type all kinds of funny characters like ä, ß, å, þ, «, —, ...

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starblue Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
