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How to reinstall vim? [closed]



I have problems with my vim in Ubuntu 11.10, when I press 'i' or 'v' vim doesn't show anything like 'INSERT MODE' or 'VISUAL MODE', when I try to delete with backspace, vim only move the cursor to the left. I tried reinstalling with this Reinstalling Vim but got the same result, also I don't have ~/.vim directory.

It works fine whith :set nocp, why ?

like image 414
Daniel Flores Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 04:12

Daniel Flores

1 Answers

apt-get update
apt-get install vim

that will give you the version 7.2.330 or so

You can add :set nocp in your ~/.vimrc

like image 198
aki Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 16:02
