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How to refresh pjax listview in yii2? It reloads the entire page





I want to be able to refresh a pjax listview without refreshing the whole page. This is the view just the pjax list itself.

<?= Html::Button('refresh-countries', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'login-button', 'id'=>'refresh']) ?>  

<?php Pjax::begin(['id' => 'countries']) ?>

    <?= ListView::widget([
         'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
         'itemOptions'  => ['class' => 'comment-item'],
         'itemView'     => 'commentadapter',

    ]); ?> 

<?php Pjax::end() ?>

Please I want it to refresh onclick of that button and only the listview would refresh. I know how to do it but it refreshes the whole page.

like image 686
arinze Avatar asked Sep 18 '16 22:09


2 Answers

You have to like this:

 use yii\widgets\Pjax;

<?php Pjax::begin(['id' => 'some_pjax_id']) ?>
     //your code 
 <?php Pjax::end() ?>

above form contained in tab and here is my script to reload pjax :

$("#my_tab_id").click(function() {
    $.pjax.reload({container: '#some_pjax_id', async: false});
like image 64
Rahul Pawar Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Rahul Pawar

PJAX has timeout option. If PJAX not obtain AJAX response during this timeout, it will perform full page reload. Use following JS snippet:

$.pjax.defaults.timeout = false;       // For JS use case yor should manual override default timeout.
$.pjax.reload({container: '#pjaxId'});

or more short snippet:

$.pjax.reload('#pjaxId', {timeout : false});

Moreover in my projects I use overrided version of Pjax:

 * Custom Pjax with incremented timeout.
 * JS for Pjax updating:
 *  <code>
 *      $.pjax.defaults.timeout = false;             // For JS use case yor should manual override default timeout.
 *      $.pjax.reload({container: '#pjaxId'});
 *      // OR
 *      $.pjax.reload('#pjaxId', {timeout : false});
 *      // OR for gridview with search filters
 *      $('.grid-view').yiiGridView('applyFilter'); // Thats true only if you have search Filters
 *  </code>
 * Note: In more cases ID of widget should be static, because widgetId is autoincremented and browser version of page may be not up-to-date.
class Pjax extends \yii\widgets\Pjax
     * @var int Timeout {@link \yii\widgets\Pjax::$timeout}.
     *          For JS use case yor should manual override defaults (  $.pjax.defaults.timeout = false;  ).
    public $timeout = 30000;
like image 5
IStranger Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11
