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How to reference a function from JavaScript class method

I use SWFAddress for deep linking my site (link to SWFAddress). I like to break code into classes so I have a main structure similar to this:

function SomeClass() {
    // This adds the this.handleChange() function to the
    // SWFAddress event listener
    this.initializeSWFA = function() {
        // SWFAddress variable is instantiated in SWFAddress javascript file
        // so I can use it here
        SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, this.handleChange);

    // SWFAddress is supposed to call this function
    this.handleChange = function(evt) {
    // Some code here


// Instantiate the SomeClass
var someVar = new SomeClass();

This line does not work here:

SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, this.handleChange);

I tried changing it to:

SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, this.handleChange());


var self = this;
SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, self.handleChange);

And these don't work either.

So how do I reference a JavaScript function from a class in a situation like this?

If the function handleChange would be outside of the class I can write the function's name.

First, thank you for all the answers. I am still trying to figure how this all works in JavaScript. I am not used to the object oriented model like here in JavaScript.

This is the solution for now. I still can't figure out how to do this nicely in JavaScript, but this solution works. I tried to implement the solution suggested by ehudokai (thank you), however I was not able to make it work.

function SomeClass() {
    // This adds the this.handleChange() function to the
    // SWFAddress event listener
    this.initializeSWFA = function() {
        // SWFAddress variable is instantiated in SWFAddress javascript file
        // so I can use it here
        SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, someFunc);

    // SWFAddress suppose to call this function
    this.handleChange= function(evt) {
    // Some code here


// Instantiate the SomeClass
var someVar = new SomeClass();

function someFunc(evt) {


I don't like this because this involves defining one extra function, so it takes extra space if anybody figures out how to add a method to SWFAddress EventListener from a JavaScript object. Please help me out.

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miki725 Avatar asked Jan 03 '11 17:01


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2 Answers

Your class structure is perfectly valid. However, if your handleChange() function uses the this keyword, expecting someVar, then that is where your problem lies.

This is what happens:

  1. SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, this.handleChange); correctly references the handler function within the class. SWFAddress caches that function to some variable f until the event is dispatched.
  2. When the event is dispatched, SWFAddress calls f. While the reference to the function is preserved, the reference to the context, or this, is not. Therefore this defaults to window.

To get around this, you simply need to use an anonymous function that captures the variables within the class scope. You can call the handler with the correct context from within this anonymous function:

function SomeClass() {
    this.initializeSWFA = function() {
        // Save a reference to the object here
        var me = this;

        // Wrap handler in anonymous function
        SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, function (evt) {

    // SWFAddress suppose to call this function
    this.handleChange= function(evt) {
    // Some code here


##An explanation of this, as requested by the OP:##

The this keyword can be explained in different ways: take a read of firstly this article about scope, and then this article about object-oriented JavaScript.

I'd like to throw in my quick reasoning too, which you may find helpful. Remember that JavaScript doesn't have "classes" as languages such as Java do. In those languages, a "method" of a class belongs only to that class (or could be inherited). In JavaScript however, there are only objects, and object properties, which can happen to functions. These functions are free agents -- they don't belong to one object or another, just like strings or numbers. For example:

var a = {
    myMethod: function () {...}

var b = {};
b.myMethod = a.myMethod;

In this case, which object does myMethod belong to? There is no answer; it could be either a or b. Therefore a.myMethod is simply a reference to a function, disassociated from the "context", or parent object. Therefore this has no meaning unless it is called explicitly using a.myMethod() or b.myMethod(), and thus defaults to window when called in any other way. It is for the same reason that there is no such thing as a parent or super keyword in JavaScript.

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David Tang Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

David Tang

I think the best thing to do is to stop thinking of SomeClass as a class.

JavaScript doesn't have classes. It uses prototypical inheritance. Which I won't go too deeply into here. Essentially, it means you just have objects. And if you want to create another object like the first one, you use the Object.prototype attribute to do that.

So if you want to do what you're trying to (assuming that SWFAddress works like most JavaScript), do the following.

var someVar = {  // (Using object notation)
    initializeSWFA : function(){
        SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANG, this.handleChange);
    handleChange : function(){
        // Your code here

At this point you can call someVar directly:


If instead you want to create an object that you can inherit other objects from try the following.

var baseObject = function(){};
baseObject.prototype.handleChange = function(){
    // Your code here
baseObject.prototype.initializeSWFA = function(){
    SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, this.handleChange);

var someVar = new baseObject();

The new operator simply creates a new object that inherits the .prototype of the object specified.

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ehudokai Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
