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Can't set focus() on a text field

This is just the weirdest thing. I've got a Sammy.js app, and I want to set focus on a text field right after the HTML loads. I've got this CoffeeScript here:

this.partial('templates/my-template.jqt').then ->
  i = $('#item')

While I'm in the debugger, right on that line, I can inspect "i" and see that it's a JQuery object. I can even call i.val("HI THERE!") and see my text field update. But, calling i.focus() does absolutely nothing. Is there some security feature I'm missing that doesn't let you focus on a text element that was dynamically loaded?

like image 869
Phil Kulak Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 04:11

Phil Kulak

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2 Answers


setTimeout(function() { $('#item').focus() }, 1);

It's quite common issue. For some reason delaying the focus for 1ms makes it working.

like image 104
kazy Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 15:10


JQuery's focus() doesn't focus on an element, it binds an event handler to focus. http://api.jquery.com/focus/

Try i.get().focus() instead.

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Gaurav Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10
