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How to refer to an identifier without writing it into a string literal in C#?



I often want to do this:

public void Foo(Bar arg)
  throw new ArgumentException("Argument is incompatible with " + name(Foo));

Because if I change the name of Foo the IDE will refactor my error message too, what won't happen if I put the name of the method (or any other kind of member identifier) inside a string literal. The only way I know of implementing "name" is by using reflection, but I think the performance loss outweighs the mantainability gain and it won't cover all kinds of identifiers.

The value of the expression between parenthesis could be computed at compile time (like typeof) and optimized to become one string literal by changing the language specification. Do you think this is a worthy feature?

PS: The first example made it look like the question is related only to exceptions, but it is not. Think of every situation you may want to reference a type member identifier. You'll have to do it through a string literal, right?

Another example:

[RuntimeAcessibleDocumentation(Description="The class " + name(Baz) +
  " does its job. See method " + name(DoItsJob) + " for more info.")]
public class Baz
  [RuntimeAcessibleDocumentation(Description="This method will just pretend " +
    "doing its job if the argument " + name(DoItsJob.Arguments.justPretend) +
    " is true.")]
  public void DoItsJob(bool justPretend) 
    if (justPretend)
      Logger.log(name(justPretend) + "was true. Nothing done.");

UPDATE: this question was posted before C# 6, but may still be relevant for those who are using previous versions of the language. If you are using C# 6 check out the nameof operator, which does pretty much the same thing as the name operator in the examples above.

like image 686
ygormutti Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 07:08


2 Answers

well, you could cheat and use something like:

public static string CallerName([CallerMemberName]string callerName = null)
    return callerName;


public void Foo(Bar arg)
  throw new ArgumentException("Argument is incompatible with " + CallerName());

Here, all the work is done by the compiler (at compile-time), so if you rename the method it will immediately return the correct thing.

like image 76
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 21:11

Marc Gravell

If you simply want the current method name: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name

If it's a type typeof(Foo).Name

If you want the name of a variable/parameter/field/property, with a little Expression tree

public static string GetFieldName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> exp)
    var body = exp.Body as MemberExpression;

    if (body == null)
        throw new ArgumentException();

    return body.Member.Name;

string str = "Hello World";
string variableName = GetFieldName(() => str);

For method names it's a little more tricky:

public static readonly MethodInfo CreateDelegate = typeof(Delegate).GetMethod("CreateDelegate", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(Type), typeof(object), typeof(MethodInfo) }, null);

public static string GetMethodName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> exp)
    var body = exp.Body as UnaryExpression;

    if (body == null || body.NodeType != ExpressionType.Convert)
        throw new ArgumentException();

    var call = body.Operand as MethodCallExpression;

    if (call == null)
        throw new ArgumentException();

    if (call.Method != CreateDelegate)
        throw new ArgumentException();

    var method = call.Arguments[2] as ConstantExpression;

    if (method == null)
        throw new ArgumentException();

    MethodInfo method2 = (MethodInfo)method.Value;

    return method2.Name;

and when you call them you have to specify the type of a compatible delegate (Action, Action<...>, Func<...> ...)

string str5 = GetMethodName<Action>(() => Main);
string str6 = GetMethodName<Func<int>>(() => Method1);
string str7 = GetMethodName<Func<int, int>>(() => Method2);

or more simply, without using expressions :-)

public static string GetMethodName(Delegate del)
    return del.Method.Name;

string str8 = GetMethodName((Action)Main);
string str9 = GetMethodName((Func<int>)Method1);
string str10 = GetMethodName((Func<int, int>)Method2);
like image 43
xanatos Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11
