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How to refactor this duplicated LINQ code?

I am trying to figure out how to refactor this LINQ code nicely. This code and other similar code repeats within the same file as well as in other files. Sometime the data being manipulated is identical and sometimes the data changes and the logic remains the same.

Here is an example of duplicated logic operating on different fields of different objects.

public IEnumerable<FooDataItem> GetDataItemsByColor(IEnumerable<BarDto> dtos)
    double totalNumber = dtos.Where(x => x.Color != null).Sum(p => p.Number);
    return from stat in dtos
           where stat.Color != null
           group stat by stat.Color into gr
           orderby gr.Sum(p => p.Number) descending
           select new FooDataItem
               Color = gr.Key,
               NumberTotal = gr.Sum(p => p.Number),
               NumberPercentage = gr.Sum(p => p.Number) / totalNumber

public IEnumerable<FooDataItem> GetDataItemsByName(IEnumerable<BarDto> dtos)
    double totalData = dtos.Where(x => x.Name != null).Sum(v => v.Data);
    return from stat in dtos
           where stat.Name != null
           group stat by stat.Name into gr
           orderby gr.Sum(v => v.Data) descending
           select new FooDataItem
               Name = gr.Key,
               DataTotal = gr.Sum(v => v.Data),
               DataPercentage = gr.Sum(v => v.Data) / totalData

Anyone have a good way of refactoring this?

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Brendan Enrick Avatar asked Jun 03 '10 13:06

Brendan Enrick

5 Answers

Something like this:

public IEnumerable<FooDataItem> GetDataItems<T>(IEnumerable<BarDto> dtos,
    Func<BarDto, T> groupCriteria,
    Func<BarDto, double> dataSelector,
    Func<T, double, double, FooDataItem> resultFactory)
    var validDtos = dtos.Where(d => groupCriteria(d) != null);
    double totalNumber = validDtos.Sum(dataSelector);

    return validDtos
        .OrderBy(g => g.Sum(dataSelector))
        .Select(gr => resultFactory(gr.Key,
                                    gr.Sum(dataSelector) / totalNumber));

In your example, you might call it like this:

    x => x.Color,  // the grouping criterion
    x => x.Number, // the value criterion
    (key, total, pct) =>
        new FooDataItem {
            Color = key, NumberTotal = total, NumberPercentage = pct });

If you changed FooDataItem to be more generic, it would be easier.

like image 62
mqp Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10


I wouldn't use the query syntax for this, use the method chain.

public IEnumerable<FooDataItem> GetDataItems(IEnumerable<BarDto> dtos, Func<BarDto, object> key, Func<BarDto, object> data)
  double totalData = dtos.Where(d => key(d) != null).Sum(data);
  return dtos.Where(d => key(d) != null)
             .OrderBy(d => d.Sum(data))
               o => new FooDataItem() 
                 Key = o.Key, 
                 Total = o.Sum(data), 
                 Percentage = o.sum(data) / totalData

(written without compiler etc).

Personally, I wouldn't refactor it though, as this would make the code less read- and understandable.

like image 43
Femaref Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10


You would need to switch from query expression and convert all of your where, group by, order by, and select clauses into lambdas. You could then create a function that accepts each of them as parameters. Here's an example:

private static IEnumerable<FooDataItem> GetData<T>(IEnumerable<Foo> foos, Func<Foo, bool> where, Func<Foo, T> groupby, Func<IGrouping<T, Foo>, T> orderby, Func<IGrouping<T, Foo>, FooDataItem> select)
    var query = foos.Where(where).GroupBy(groupby).OrderBy(orderby).Select(select);
    return query;

Based on this code

class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Bar { get; set; }


List<Foo> foos = new List<Foo>(); // populate somewhere

Func<Foo, bool> where = f => f.Id > 0;
Func<Foo, int> groupby = f => f.Id;
Func<IGrouping<int, Foo>, int> orderby = g => g.Sum(f => f.Bar);
Func<IGrouping<int, Foo>, FooDataItem> select = g => new FooDataItem { Key = g.Key, BarTotal = g.Sum(f => f.Bar) };

var query = GetData(foos, where, groupby, orderby, select);
like image 45
Anthony Pegram Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10

Anthony Pegram

I think that if you refactored this, it would be more difficult to read than what you have already. Anything I can think of either involves dynamic Linq, or modifying or encapsulating BarDto to have some sort of a specialized item to be used for nothing but grouping.

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Dave Markle Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10

Dave Markle

Here is an extension method which factors out the similar portions of each query:

public static IEnumerable<TDataItem> GetDataItems<TData, TDataItem>(
    this IEnumerable<BarDto> dtos,
    Func<BarDto, TData> dataSelector,
    Func<BarDto, double> numberSelector,
    Func<TData, double, double, TDataItem> createDataItem)
    where TData : class
    var eligibleDtos = dtos.Where(dto => dataSelector(dto) != null);

    var totalNumber = eligibleDtos.Sum(numberSelector);

        from dto in eligibleDtos
        group dto by dataSelector(dto) into dtoGroup
        let groupNumber = dtoGroup.Sum(numberSelector)
        orderby groupNumber descending
        select createDataItem(dtoGroup.Key, groupNumber, groupNumber / totalNumber);

You would use it like this:

var itemsByName = dtos.GetDataItems(
    dto => dto.Name,
    dto => dto.Data,
    (name, groupTotal, groupPercentage) => new FooDataItem
        Name = name,
        NumberTotal = groupTotal,
        NumberPercentage = groupPercentage

var itemsByColor = dtos.GetDataItems(
    dto => dto.Color,
    dto => dto.Number,
    (color, groupTotal, groupPercentage) => new FooDataItem
        Color = color,
        DataTotal = groupTotal,
        DataPercentage = groupPercentage
like image 1
Bryan Watts Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Bryan Watts