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How to reduce the time spent on testing?

I just looked back through the project that nearly finished recently and found a very serious problem. I spent most of bank time on testing the code, reproducing the different situations "may" cause code errors.

Do you have any idea or experience to share on how to reduce the time spent on testing, so that makes the development much more smoothly?

I tried follow the concept of test-driven for all my code , but I found it really hard to achieve this, really need some help from the senior guys here.


Re: all

Thanks for the answers above here, initially my question was how to reduce the time on general testing, but now, the problem is down to how to write the effecient automate test code.

I will try to improve my skills on how to write the test suit to cut down this part of time.

However, I still really struggle with how to reduce the time I spent on reproduce the errors , for instance, A standard blog project will be easy to reproduce the situations may cause the errors but a complicate bespoke internal system may "never" can be tested throught out easily, is it worthy ? Do you have any idea on how to build a test plan on this kind of project ?

Thanks for the further answers still.

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Shuoling Liu Avatar asked May 30 '09 00:05

Shuoling Liu

2 Answers

Test driven design is not about testing (quality assurance). It has been poorly named from the outset.

It's about having machine runnable assumptions and specifications of program behavior and is done by programmers during programming to ensure that assumptions are explicit.

Since those tasks have to be done at some point in the product lifecycle, it's simply a shift of the work. Whether it's more or less efficient is a debate for another time.

What you refer to I would not call testing. Having strong TDD does mean that the testing phase does not have to be relied upon as heavily for errors which would be caught long before they reach a test build (as they are with experience programmers with a good spec and responsive stakeholders in a non-TDD environment).

If you think the upfront tests (runnable spec) is a serious problem, I guess it comes down to how much work the relative stages of development are expected to cost in time and money?

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Cade Roux Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Cade Roux

I think I understand. Above the developer-test level, you have the customer test level, and it sounds like, at that level, you are finding a lot of bugs.

For every bug you find, you have to stop, take your testing hat off, put your reproduction hat on, and figure out a precise reproduction strategy. Then you have to document the bug, perhaps put it in a bug-tracking system. Then you have to put the testing hat on. In the mean time, you've lost whatever setup you were working on and lost track of where you were on whatever test plan you were following.

Now - if that didn't have to happen - if you had far few bugs - you could zip along right through testing, right?

It's doubtful that GUI-driving test automation will help with this problem. You'll spend a great amount of time recording and maintaining the tests, and those regression tests will take a fair amount of time to return the investment. Initially, you'll go much slower with GUI-Driving customer-facing tests.

So (I submit) that what might really help is higher /initial/ code quality coming out of development activities. Micro-tests -- also called developer-tests or test-driven-development in the original sense - might really help with that. Another thing that can help is pair programming.

Assuming you can't grab someone else to pair, I'd spend an hour looking at your bug tracking system. I would look at the past 100 defects and try to categorize them into root causes. "Training issue" is not a cause, but "off by one error" might be.

Once you have them categorized and counted, put them in a spreadsheet and sort. Whatever root cause occurs the most often is the root cause you prevent first. If you really want to get fancy, multiply the root cause by some number that is the pain amount it causes. (Example: If in those 100 bugs you have 30 typos on menus, which as easy to fix, and 10 hard-to-reproduce javascript errors, you may want to fix the javascript issue first.)

This assumes you can apply some magical 'fix' to each of those root causes, but it's worth a shot. For example: Transparent icons in IE6 may be because IE6 can not easily process .png files. So have a version control trigger that rejects .gif's on checkin and the issue is fixed.

I hope that helps.

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Matthew Heusser Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Matthew Heusser