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How to reduce memory usage in a Haskell app?

I am new to functional programming, and now learn Haskell. As an exercise I decided to implement the explicit Euler method for 1D linear diffusion equation. While the code below works correctly, I am not happy about its performance. In fact, I am concerned with memory consumption. I believe that it is related to lazy evaluation, but cannot figure out how I can reduce its memory usage.

The idea of the algorithm is really simple, to make it clear in imperative terms: it takes an `array', and to every inner point it adds a value, which is calculated as a combination of the values in the point itself and in its neighbors. Boundary points are special cases.

So, this is my Euler1D.hs module:

module Euler1D ( stepEuler , makeu0 ) where  -- impose zero flux condition zeroflux :: (Floating a) => a -> [a] -> [a] zeroflux mu (boundary:inner:xs) = [boundary+mu*2*(inner-boundary)]  -- one step of integration stepEuler :: (Floating a) => a -> [a] -> [a] stepEuler mu u@(x:xs) = (applyBC . (diffused mu)) u     where           diffused mu (left:x:[]) = []    -- ignore outer points           diffused mu (left:x:right:xs) = -- integrate inner points                    (x+mu*(left+right-2*x)) : diffused mu (x:right:xs)           applyBC inner = (lbc u') ++ inner ++ (rbc u') -- boundary conditions                where u' = [head u] ++ inner ++ [last u]                      lbc = zeroflux mu             -- left boundary                      rbc = (zeroflux mu) . reverse -- right boundary  -- initial condition makeu0 :: Int -> [Double] makeu0 n = [ ((^2) . sin . (pi*) . xi) x | x <- [0..n]]     where xi x = fromIntegral x / fromIntegral n 

And a simple Main.hs:

module Main where  import System ( getArgs ) import Euler1D  main = do       args <- getArgs       let n = read $ head args :: Int       let u0 = makeu0 n       let un = stepEuler 0.5 u0       putStrLn $ show $ sum un 

For comparison, I also wrote a pure C implementation.

Now, if I try to run Haskell implementation for a sufficiently large size of the array n, I have:

$ time ./eulerhs 200000 100000.00000000112  real    0m3.552s user    0m3.304s sys     0m0.128s 

For comparison, C version is faster by almost two orders of magnitude:

$ time ./eulerc 200000 100000  real    0m0.088s user    0m0.048s sys     0m0.008s 

EDIT: This comparison is not really fair, because Haskell version is compiled with profiling flags, and C is not. If I compile both programs with -O2 and both without profiling flags, I can increase n. In this case time ./eulerhs 1000000 takes 0m2.236s, while time ./eulerc 1000000 takes only 0m0.293s. So the problem still remains with all optimizations and without profiling, it is only offset.

I would like also to note, that memory allocation of the Haskell program seems to grow lineary with n. This is probably OK.

But the worst are memory requirements. My Haskell version requires over 100MB (my estimation of the bare minimum in C is 4MB). I think this may be the source of the problem. According to profiling report the program spends 85% of time in GC, and

        total time  =        0.36 secs   (18 ticks @ 20 ms)         total alloc = 116,835,180 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)  COST CENTRE                    MODULE               %time %alloc  makeu0                         Euler1D               61.1   34.9 stepEuler                      Euler1D               33.3   59.6 CAF:sum                        Main                   5.6    5.5 

I was surprized to see that makeu0 is so expensive. I decided that this is due to its lazy evaluation (if its thunks remain in the memory until the end of stepEuler).

I tried this change in Main.hs:

   let un = u0 `seq` stepEuler 0.5 u0 

but did not notice any difference. I have no idea how to reduce memory usage in stepEuler. So, my questions are:

  1. Is there a way in Haskell to build lists / do list comprehensions strictly? In this case there is no benefit to keep it lazy.
  2. How can I reduce overall memory usage in this case? I suppose, I have to make something strict, but fail to see what. In other words, if I have to put some seqs and bangs, where and why?
  3. And finally, the most important, what is the best strategy to identify such costly constructs?

I did read a chapter on profiling and optimization in Real World Haskell, but it remains unclear how exactly I can decide what should be strict and what not.

Please forgive me such a long post.

EDIT2: As suggested by A. Rex in comments, I tried running both programs in valgrind. And this is what I observed. For Haskell program (n=200000) it found:

malloc/free: 33 allocs, 30 frees, 84,109 bytes allocated. ... checked 55,712,980 bytes.

And for C program (after a small fix):

malloc/free: 2 allocs, 2 frees, 3,200,000 bytes allocated.

So, it appears that while Haskell allocates much smaller memory blocks, it does it often, and due to delay in garbage collection, they accumulate and remain in memory. So, I have another question:

  • Is it possible to avoid a lot of small allocations in Haskell? Basically, to declare, that I need to process the whole data structure rather than only its fragments on demand.
like image 498
sastanin Avatar asked Jan 20 '09 00:01


People also ask

Does Haskell use a lot of memory?

Haskell's laziness can be a nice way of using very low total memory. Laziness means that an expression is evaluated only when the result is needed.

1 Answers

  1. Lists are not the best datastructure for this type of code (with lots of (++), and (last)). You lose a lot of time constucting and deconstructing lists. I'd use Data.Sequence or arrays, as in C versions.

  2. There is no chance for thunks of makeu0 to be garbage-collected, since you need to retain all of them (well, all of the results of "diffuse", to be exact) all the way till the end of computation in order to be able to do "reverse" in applyBC. Which is very expensive thing, considering that you only need two items from the tail of the list for your "zeroflux".

Here is fast hack of you code that tries to achieve better list fusion and does less list (de)constructing:

module Euler1D ( stepEuler ) where  -- impose zero flux condition zeroflux mu (boundary:inner:xs) = boundary+mu*2*(inner-boundary)  -- one step of integration stepEuler mu n = (applyBC . (diffused mu)) $ makeu0 n     where           diffused mu (left:x:[]) = []    -- ignore outer points           diffused mu (left:x:right:xs) = -- integrate inner points                    let y = (x+mu*(left+right-2*x))                        in y `seq` y : diffused mu (x:right:xs)           applyBC inner = lbc + sum inner + rbc -- boundary conditions                where                      lbc = zeroflux mu ((f 0 n):inner)             -- left boundary                      rbc = zeroflux mu ((f n n):(take 2 $ reverse inner)) -- right boundary  -- initial condition makeu0 n = [ f x n | x <- [0..n]]  f x n = ((^2) . sin . (pi*) . xi) x     where xi x = fromIntegral x / fromIntegral n 

For 200000 points, it completes in 0.8 seconds vs 3.8 seconds for initial version

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ADEpt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09