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How to reduce a fully-connected (`"InnerProduct"`) layer using truncated SVD

In the paper Girshick, R Fast-RCNN (ICCV 2015), section "3.1 Truncated SVD for faster detection", the author proposes to use SVD trick to reduce the size and computation time of a fully connected layer.

Given a trained model (deploy.prototxt and weights.caffemodel), how can I use this trick to replace a fully connected layer with a truncated one?

like image 282
Shai Avatar asked Nov 08 '16 07:11


People also ask

How does truncated SVD work?

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Fully-Connected LayerFully-connected layers, also known as linear layers, connect every input neuron to every output neuron and are commonly used in neural networks. Figure 1. Example of a small fully-connected layer with four input and eight output neurons.

1 Answers

Some linear-algebra background
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a decomposition of any matrix W into three matrices:

W = U S V*

Where U and V are ortho-normal matrices, and S is diagonal with elements in decreasing magnitude on the diagonal. One of the interesting properties of SVD is that it allows to easily approximate W with a lower rank matrix: Suppose you truncate S to have only its k leading elements (instead of all elements on the diagonal) then

W_app = U S_trunc V*

is a rank k approximation of W.

Using SVD to approximate a fully connected layer
Suppose we have a model deploy_full.prototxt with a fully connected layer

# ... some layers here
layer {
  name: "fc_orig"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "in"
  top: "out"
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 1000
    # more params...
  # some more...
# more layers...

Furthermore, we have trained_weights_full.caffemodel - trained parameters for deploy_full.prototxt model.

  1. Copy deploy_full.protoxt to deploy_svd.protoxt and open it in editor of your choice. Replace the fully connected layer with these two layers:

    layer {
      name: "fc_svd_U"
      type: "InnerProduct"
      bottom: "in" # same input
      top: "svd_interim"
      inner_product_param {
        num_output: 20  # approximate with k = 20 rank matrix
        bias_term: false
        # more params...
      # some more...
    # NO activation layer here!
    layer {
      name: "fc_svd_V"
      type: "InnerProduct"
      bottom: "svd_interim"
      top: "out"   # same output
      inner_product_param {
        num_output: 1000  # original number of outputs
        # more params...
      # some more...
  2. In python, a little net surgery:

    import caffe
    import numpy as np
    orig_net = caffe.Net('deploy_full.prototxt', 'trained_weights_full.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
    svd_net = caffe.Net('deploy_svd.prototxt', 'trained_weights_full.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
    # get the original weight matrix
    W = np.array( orig_net.params['fc_orig'][0].data )
    # SVD decomposition
    k = 20 # same as num_ouput of fc_svd_U
    U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(W)
    S = np.zeros((U.shape[0], k), dtype='f4')
    S[:k,:k] = s[:k]  # taking only leading k singular values
    # assign weight to svd net
    svd_net.params['fc_svd_U'][0].data[...] = np.dot(U,S)
    svd_net.params['fc_svd_V'][0].data[...] = V[:k,:]
    svd_net.params['fc_svd_V'][1].data[...] = orig_net.params['fc_orig'][1].data # same bias
    # save the new weights

Now we have deploy_svd.prototxt with trained_weights_svd.caffemodel that approximate the original net with far less multiplications, and weights.

like image 50
Shai Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
