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How to record test in android appium?

I need to record the test in android appium and i should play the recorded script. is there any way to do this? I need to use it like selenium web automation. can i use appium inspector for android testing?

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Ishwarya Prakash Avatar asked Jun 16 '15 06:06

Ishwarya Prakash

Video Answer

1 Answers

When you record a script with Appium, there isn't a 'playback' function. The inspector is only used to locate and record interactions with app elements. Here's a link to the native android walk-through: Native Android Automation

You need to choose a language, and export the file(see the bottom of the inspector while record mode is engaged). (Pic here)

You can run the saved file from an IDE or the command line.

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Mr. Heuristic Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Mr. Heuristic