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How to record filtered video for iPhone?

It is easy to record video by two ways: UIImagePicker or ALAssetLibrary.

But if I want to process each frame with image effect filter,then save result as video,how to do that ? I can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to process each frame and save filtered frame to still image, but can not save them to video,my question is how to save them to video. If using AVCaptureMovieFileOutput,it is easy to record camera to video, but can not put filter for each frame.

Thanks for any clues or comments.

like image 287
Forrest Avatar asked Jan 07 '11 05:01


1 Answers

As others might have suggested OpenCV is a good choice, unfortunatelly it is super slow on the iphone when compared to other techniques, try using Brad Larsons GPUImage framework.

You can find it here

like image 58
Pochi Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11
