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How to reboot CentOS 7 with Ansible?

I'm trying to reboot server running CentOS 7 on VirtualBox. I use this task:

- name: Restart server   command: /sbin/reboot   async: 0   poll: 0   ignore_errors: true 

Server is rebooted, but I get this error:

TASK: [common | Restart server] *********************************************** fatal: [rolcabox] => SSH Error: Shared connection to closed. It is sometimes useful to re-run the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue.  FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting 

What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

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Domen Blenkuš Avatar asked Apr 29 '15 22:04

Domen Blenkuš

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2 Answers

You're likely not doing anything truly wrong, it's just that /sbin/reboot is shutting down the server so quickly that the server is tearing down the SSH connection used by Ansible before Ansible itself can close it. As a result Ansible is reporting an error because it sees the SSH connection failing for an unexpected reason.

What you might want to do to get around this is to switch from using /sbin/reboot to using /sbin/shutdown instead. The shutdown command lets you pass a time, and when combined with the -r switch it will perform a reboot rather than actually shutting down. So you might want to try a task like this:

- name: Restart server   command: /sbin/shutdown -r +1   async: 0   poll: 0   ignore_errors: true 

This will delay the server reboot for 1 minute, but in doing so it should give Ansible enough time to to close the SSH connection itself, thereby avoiding the error that you're currently getting.

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Bruce P Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Bruce P

After the reboot task, you should have a local_action task that waits for the remote host to finish rebooting, otherwise, the ssh connection will be terminated and so is the playbook.

 - name: Reboot server   command: /sbin/reboot  - name: Wait for the server to finish rebooting   sudo: no   local_action: wait_for host="{{ inventory_hostname }}" search_regex=OpenSSH port=22 timeout=300 

I also wrote a blog post about achieving a similar solution: https://oguya.github.io/linux/2015/02/22/ansible-reboot-servers/

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James Oguya Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

James Oguya